Vue.js Substring

Vue.js Substring Function– It is very simple to get the substring of a string in Vue.js. We can create filters to get the substring from a string.

Vue.js Substring Function JavaScript Example

We can use native javascript substring method to get a substring of a string. Let us create an example to get the substring from string –

Vue.js Substring Example:

<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">

<p>{{ text | subStr}}</p>

new Vue({

el: '#app',
  data: function() {
  	return {
    	text: ' This is sample string to show trim method. '
  filters: {
  	subStr: function(string) {
    	return string.substring(0,15) + '...';


Try it »

If you run the above example it will produce output something like this-

Vue.js Substring Example


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