Tag Archives: materialize framework tutorial
Materialize Container
Materialize Container Materialize provides container class which is used to create the content container. Container class creates a container of width 70% of the window width. It centers the content of the page. Here in this tutorial we are going to explain how to create container and use it in Materialize framework. You can also use our online editor to edit and run the code online.
Materialize Container Example
To create container add container class to the div. Let us create first container using this class-
In the above example we have created container using class container, we have added a background of yellow color so that we can have clear view how container class works.
If you run the above example it will produce the output something like this –

Materialize Installation
MaterializeCss Installation(Environment Setup): It is very easy to setup environment for Materialize Css. Here in this tutorial we are going to explain how you can install Materialize Css. –
Materialize Installation Steps
There are two ways to install Materialize –
- Install Locally: To install Materialize Locally Download materialize.min.css and materialize.min.js and include it on page.
- CDN Based Installation: You can also install materialize from CDN based network. You can directly include the files from Content Delivery Networks.
Install Locally:
To install locally download the materialize.min.css and materialize.min.js from http://materializecss.com/getting-started.html And keep them in js and css folder and simply include as below –
Materialize Installation Steps:
jQuery is required so do not forget to include it.
CDN Based Installation
You can also install materialized css and js from CDN simply as below –
Materialize CDN URL Based Installation Example:
Now you are ready to go and You can create your first page in Materialize.
So let us create an example.
Let us create an example using the CDN based installation of Materialize Css and Js.

Materialize Tutorial Home
Materialize Tutorial : Materialize is modern responsive front-end framework which is based on the Material Design. Materialize framework is created with Html, Css and JavaScript. Materialize framework enables us to create responsive, beautiful websites, apps. Materialize is very easy to learn and implement.
Here in this tutorial we are going to explain each topic with various examples & demos which will help us to learn the things in an easy way. You can use our online editor to edit and run the code online.
Materialize Tutorial With Example & Demo
Materialize provides rich layouts, responsive animations, transitions,depth effects such as lighting, shadows, autocomplete, swipe and switches etc which makes it most powerful UI Component. We are sure once you will use it, You will love it.
This tutorial is made for the developers(designers) who are willing to learn the latest Materialize framework with example and demo.
What You Should Know?
Before Starting you might be aware of HTML, JavaScript, jQuery And Css.
Materialize Features
Let us have look over some core features of Materialize Framework-
- Speed Of Development– Materialize provides so many inbuilt utilities which boosts the speed of development.
- Focused on User Experience– As we know Materialize is based on Material design, which enables us to create application which can deliver the best user experience.
- Easy To Learn– Materialize is very easy to learn and understand, you can create cool web pages easily in materialize framework.
Learn With Example And Demo
You can Learn Materialize With our online editor to edit and run the code online.
We hope this tutorial will be helpful for you in understanding the Materialize Basic concept.
If you run the above example it will produce output something like this in the below image –