Tag Archives: magento tutorial for beginners

Magento get base url

Magento get base url : You can get the base url in magento as following.

Magento get base url Syntax


Which Will Return the current url.

For Cms Pages Or Static Blocks

{{store url=''}}

Magento get store url

Magento get store url : You can get the store url in magento as following.

Magento get store url Syntax


Which Will Return the store url.

For Cms Pages Or Static Blocks

{{store url='/yourpage.html'}}

Magento get js url

Magento get js url : You can get the js url in magento as following.

Magento get js url Syntax


Which Will Return the Js url.

Magento get media url

Magento get media url : Here are following ways to get the media url in magento.

Magento get media url Syntax


Which Will Return the media url.

For Cms Pages Or Static Blocks

{{media url='/yourimagename.jpg'}}

Magento get current url without parameters

Magento get current url without parameters : Magento Get Current url without the parameter as

Magento get current url without parameters Syntax

 $request = $this->getRequest();
 $urlWithoutParameters = Mage::getBaseUrl(). $request->getRouteName() .'/'. $request->getControllerName() .'/'. $request->getActionName();

Which will return the current url without the including the base url

Magento get current url without parameters Example


Magento get current url path

Magento get current url path : You can get current url path as

Magento get current url path Syntax

$currentUrl = Mage::helper('core/url')->getCurrentUrl();
$url = Mage::getSingleton('core/url')->parseUrl($currentUrl);
$path = $url->getPath();

Which will return the current url path.

Magento get Current url path Example


Magento get current url

Magento get current url : Magento Get Current url as

Magento get Current url Syntax

$currentUrl = Mage::helper('core/url')->getCurrentUrl();

Which will return the current url including the base url

Magento get Current url Example


Magento get coupon codes used by customer

Magento get coupon codes used by customer : You Can Get Coupon code used by particular user by following query.

Syntax : Magento get coupon codes used by customer

$collection = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->getCollection();
			$collection->getSelect()->join(array('coupon'=> salesrule_coupon), 'coupon.code = main_table.coupon_code', array('coupon.type'))
                 ->join( array('coupon_usage'=> salesrule_coupon_usage), '(coupon_usage.coupon_id = coupon.coupon_id AND coupon_usage.customer_id = "'.$customerId.'") ', array('*'));
//pass customer Id to load coupon used by the customer  - $customerId 

$customerId – is customer id, load coupon codes used by this customer

Magento get coupon code applied on cart

Magento get coupon code applied on cart : You Can get coupon code applied on cart from the current quote.

Magento get coupon code applied on cart Syntax

$couponCode = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session')

Which will return the coupon code applied on the magento current cart’s item.