Tag Archives: bootstrap tutorials

Bootstrap Popover not working

Bootstrap Popover not working : For bootstrap popover you need to call the .popover() in javascript.

Steps to fix Bootstrap Popover not working

Make sure you have included bootstrap js.

And have called the .popover() properly in javascript.

And you html part should call like this.


For full code and working demo you can refer this article.
Bootstrap Popover Demo With Complete Code

Bootstrap Popover

Bootstrap Popover is something like toltips but contains more information than the toltips. It Display information when user clicks on it or hovers on it. The four positions of popover plugin are available top, bottom, left , Right. Positions are defined in data attribute data-placement=”top”, data-placement=”bottom”,data-placement=”left” and data-placement=”right” .

Note : Bootstrap Popover plugin requires the javascript read and you have to add the following javascript code in head..

Bootstrap Popover Syntax

We are going to explain with very basic example and demo-

Bootstrap Popover : Basic Example


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Popovers can also be triggered using javascript as in example below:

Bootstrap Popover

popover plugin example

Bootstrap Popover : Positions Example


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Full Code :


Bootstrap List Groups

Bootstrap List Groups : Bootstrap List group is used to display data in lists. You can display data in list groups in stylish format. Here we are going to demonstrate the list groups with example and demo.

Bootstrap List Groups : Basic

Basic list group is an unordered list group of Items. Here is an example of basic ie. unordered list –

Bootstrap List Groups

List Groups : Basic Example


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List Groups : Active


List Groups : Active Example

  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3

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List Groups : Active With Badges


Bootstrap List Groups : Active With Badges Example

  • 15Item 1
  • 11Item 2
  • 12Item 3

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Bootstrap Tables

Bootstrap tables : Tables are basically used to represent data in row column format. Bootstrap provide classes to create responsive tables with cool look. .table class is used for basic table design in bootstrap. Bootstrap tables becomes important when you want to show data in table format with cool look. There are following types of bootstrap tables available in bootstrap.

Bootstrap Tables Type

Let us learn bootstrap tables with demo and example-

Bootstrap Basic Table

It adds simple style in table it adds the simple line between the rows.

for basic bootstrap table .table class is used.

Bootstrap Table : Basic



The above example will produce the following output-


Bootstrap Bordered Table

For adding border in bootstrap table class.table-bordered is used

Bootstrap Table : Bordered


The above example will produce the following output-

bootstrap tables example

Bootstrap Table: Condensed

It makes tables cells more compact by removing the space.
For adding condensed table property in bootstrap table class.table-condensed is used

Bootstrap Table: Condensed


The above example will produce the following output-

bootstrap tables example condenced

Bootstrap Table: Striped Rows

Used to provide zebra-strips.
For adding stripped in bootstrap table class.table-striped is used

Bootstrap Table: Striped Rows


The above example will produce the following output-

bootstrap tables striped example

Bootstrap Table: Table Hover

Used to provide hover functionality in table.
For table hover in bootstrap table class.table-hover is used

Bootstrap Table: Table Hover


Try All In One »

The above example will produce the following output-


Bootstrap Dropdown

Bootstrap dropdown menu allows uses to select one value from the defined list. Dropdown menu provides fancy and responsive dropdown. You can add toggle effect using the .dropdown-toggle class.

Bootstrap Dropdown Example

Let us understand Dropdown with basic example


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The above example will produce following example-

Bootstrap dropdown

If you click on the above button it will open the dropdown like this –

Dropdown menu example bootstrap

Bootstrap dropdown class Explaination

  • .dropdown Defines the dropdown menu.
  • .dropdown-toggle Binds the trigger event with the link.
  • .caret Adds the icon which points the dropdown menu.
  • .dropdown-menu is added in unordered list. It contains the list items to create link items.

Bootstrap Dropdown Divider

Dividers are used to separate the two link items in dropdown menu. Class .divider is used to create divider between the two link items.


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The output of the above example will produce the following output-

Bootstrap divider in dropdown

Bootstrap Dropdown Header

If you want to add headers in dropdown list use the class .dropdown-header class in <li> tag.


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The output of the above example will produce the following output-

Dropdown header bootstrap

More Examples

Bootstrap Dropdown menu in navigation bar

Here is an example of Dropdown in Navigation bar-

The above method will generate the below output-

Dropdown in navbar bootstrap

Bootstrap Dropdown Button Group Example

Here is simple button groups example with dropdown-


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Following output will be produced-

dropdown in bootstrap button group

Bootstrap Breadcrumbs

Bootstrap Breadcrumbs is navigation system which indicates user’s location in the website from the home page ie. the root of the website.



Bootstrap Breadcrumbs

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Bootstrap Alerts

Bootstrap Alerts : Bootstrap provides inbuilt alert messages for showing various types of alerts to the user. Bootstrap has the following alert messages. Bootstrap provides default dismiss button also so you need not to add close button on alert box. We are going to learn each and everything step by step with complete demo try it and enjoy!

Bootstrap Alerts

Below is List Of Bootstrap Alert Messages.

Bootstrap Alert Message Types

  • Success: Is used to display the success messages.
  • Info : Is used to display the information messages.
  • Warning : Is used to display the warning messages.
  • Danger : Is used to display the error messages.

Here is Example of alert messages –

Bootstrap Alerts – Messages

Success! This is success message.


Info! This is info message displaying some information.


Warning! This indicates a warning that need attention.


Danger! This show danger ie. some negative action.

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The Above code will produce the following output –

Bootstrap alerts messages


Dismiss Bootstrap Alerts Using Data Attributes

You can easily close bootstrap alert messages using data attributes.


× Success! This is success message.

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The above code will produce following result-

Note : This is screenshot of the output. To run this demo click on the above “Try it” button.

Bootstrap alerts close button

Dismiss Bootstrap Alerts Using JavaScript

You can easily close bootstrap alert messages using data JavaScript as below –


× Success! This is success message.

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More Effects


Bootstrap Animate Alerts : Fade In Example

Now let us add some more effects to make Alerts better. Add .fade and .in to add fading effect. This will add fade effect when you click on the close button.


× Success! This is success message.

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Customize Effects

Now let us customize the bootstrap alert’s default effect and add some more cool effects with the help of jQuery.

Note jQuery library is required for these effects because we are going to add jQuery effects in alerts.

Bootstrap Alerts fadeOut Effect Using jQuery

Here is a simple example of fadeOut Effect using the jQuery fadeOut –


× Success! This is success message.

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You can add fadeOut Speed as per your need in $(this).parent().fadeOut(‘slow’);.

Bootstrap Alerts : Dismiss On Click Anywhere

If you want to close alert box on click anywhere just add the following jQuery-


× Success! This is success message.

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Bootstrap Alerts : slideUp Effect Using jQuery

Here is a simple example of slideUp Effect using the jQuery slideUp –


× Success! This is success message.

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Customize Colors


If you want to customize the font color, background color or text color you can add custom css as following.

Bootstrap Alerts : Change background color,font color And border color

Here we are going to customize the Bootstrap success alert message.


× Success! This is success message.


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The above code will produce the following output –

Note : Below is image output only for demo click above “Try It” Button.

Bootstrap change color, background color, border of alerts in bootstrap

Tip : Always try to use bootstrap’s default feature. Extend features by adding custom css where you need but not in global css otherwise it will reflect everywhere in your web page.

Bootstrap pagination

Bootstrap pagination : Pagination basically content divided in an organized manner. If have a lot of data and you want to show that using links(url) by dividing them into small pieces, pagination is the best way to display them by using the links to individual page. You can also add different types of pagination sizes as per your need by adding the classes – .pagination-lg and .pagination-sm.

Bootstrap pagination:

Bootstrap pagination Example

Bootstrap pagination

Following states are Available in bootstrap pagination.

1. Active State.

2. Disabled State.

Bootstrap pagination : Active State

Active state shows which page currently active. .active class is used to show the active state.Active link will be highlighted with background color.

Bootstrap pagination Active State

Bootstrap pagination : Disabled State

Disabled State makes the link disabled means that link will not be clickable. .disabled class is used to show the disabled state. This can be useful when you want to prevent user to click the link in the pagination.

Bootstrap Pagination Disabled Example

For more sizes you can also use the following class in the pagination.

Bootstrap pagination : Larger size

For large size .pagination-lg class is used. If you want larger pagination button size you can use the .pagination-lg class. Below example shows the large pagination. To try the large pagination just click try and edit code to see out.

Bootstrap  large pagination Example

Bootstrap pagination : Smaller size

For Smaller size the class .pagination-sm is used. If want smaller pagination use .pagination-sm to create smaller pagination button. Below is an example which shows the smaller pagination than default pagination button size. You can try it to see the output also you can edit code online to try the pagination size.

Bootstrap  samll  pagination Example

Bootstrap pagination : Change Background Color

If You Want to change the background color of bootstrap pagination you can add following css to add background color.


Demo »

pagination color bootstrap

Bootstrap pagination : Rounded Pagination Style

If You Want rounded pagination you can add following css.


Demo »

rounded pagination

Bootstrap pagination : Rounded Colored Pagination

You can simply decorate the rounded pagination with background color. Add the following css to make the background colored.


Demo »

The above code will produce the following beautiful output –
rounded colored pagination

Learn More With Us :

Bootstrap Pager

Bootstrap Navigation Bar

Bootstrap Navigation Bar : Bootstrap Navigation header is the top of header contating the navigation link of the site. You can place the navigation bar anywhere in header, footer or content area as per your need. This navigation menu provides the default responsive navigation means on mobile device they collapse and displays the icon to expand and show the menu items. By default on desktop or regular screen this navigation is horizontal. It becomes vertical on mobile devices.

Bootstrap Navigation Bar

There are following types of navigation available in bootstrap:

Default Navigation

For Adding Default navigation .navbar-default class is used.”

Here is an example of very basic default navigation menu.

The above code will produce the following result-

Bootstrap Navigation Bar

Bootstrap Inverted Navigation

Inverted navigation provides you the inverse style than the default style in bootstrap. Class .navbar-inverse is used to create the inverse navigation menu.

Here is very basic and simple example of inverted navigation bar.

The Above code will produce the following output-

Bootstrap Navigation Bar

Bootstap Navbar COllapse

You Can create a navbar which will collapse on smaller resolution such as mobile device, tablet devices.

Add the following code to make navigation collapse on mobile devices.

It will produce the following output –

Bootstrap navbar collapse example

Bootstrap Navbar fixed : Top

You can create fixed navigation menu placed at top of the page. This navigation is always fixed at the top of the page though you scroll down page.

For top fixed navigation menu add the following css .navbar-fixed-top

Bootstrap Navbar fixed : Bottom

You can create fixed navigation menu placed at bottom of the page. This navigation is always fixed at the bottom of the page though you scroll down page.

For top fixed navigation menu add the following css .navbar-fixed-bottom

Colored Navigation

If You want to create the colored navigation Add Css to modify the background colored.

Bootstrap Colored Navigation >