SQL – Like
SQL Like Clause
Like operator is used to filter the results . Like operator compares the results using the wild cards.
There are two types of wildcards used for the filtering & matching the result.
1. % – (Percent Symbol).
2. _ – (Underscore Symbol).
SQL Like CLause Syntax (Wildcard %)
SELECT columnName1, ColumnName2.. FROM TableName WHERE ColumnName LIKE ‘%Pattern’;
SELECT columnName1, ColumnName2.. FROM TableName WHERE ColumnName LIKE ‘Pattern%’;
SELECT columnName1, ColumnName2.. FROM TableName WHERE ColumnName LIKE ‘%Pattern%’;
Explanation :
‘Pattern%’ – : Mathes & finds the pattern where column value starts with the provided pattern (Ex . – ‘%John’ – Will find the records where Name(Column) starts with ‘John’).
‘%Pattern’ – : Mathes & finds the pattern where column value ends with the provided pattern (Ex . – ‘John%’ – Will find the records where Name(Column) ends with ‘John’ ).
‘%Pattern%’ – : Mathes & finds the pattern where pattern find at any place in column value (Ex . – ‘%John%’ – Will find the records where Name(Column) find at any where ).
SQL Like CLause Syntax (Wildcard _ ) –
SELECT columnName1, ColumnName2.. FROM TableName WHERE ColumnName LIKE ‘_Pattern’;
SELECT columnName1, ColumnName2.. FROM TableName WHERE ColumnName LIKE ‘Pattern_’;
SELECT columnName1, ColumnName2.. FROM TableName WHERE ColumnName LIKE ‘_Pattern_’;
Explanation :
‘_Pattern’ – : Mathes & finds the pattern where column value has the pattern at second place (Ex . – ‘_J’ – Will match the column value where second value is ‘J’).
‘Pattern_’ – : Mathes & finds the pattern where column value start with the pattern (Ex . – ‘J%’ – Will match the column value where column value starts with ‘J’ ).
‘_Pattern_’ – : Mathes & finds the pattern where pattern where (Ex . – ‘_Jn_’ – Will find the records where 2nd value is ‘J’ and seond last value is ‘n’ ).
Example :
Will Produce The Follwoing Result.
Example :
Will Produce The Follwoing Result.