PHP Installation :– Here is the right way for absolute beginner to learn php. Let we tell you how to install and work with php.
Firstly what we need is to install xampp package in your windows pc. To download xampp simply click the following link
XAMPP is a free and open source cross-platform web server developed by Apache Friends. XAMPP stands for Cross-Platform (X), Apache (A), MySQL (M), PHP (P) and Perl (P).
Now you can test Apache server whether it is working or not on your machine. You can type http://localhost/ in your url to test apache server configuration whether it is working or not.Below screenshot shows that you have succesfully installed apache server on your local machine.
PHP Installation | Guide
Here are the following steps to install PHP on local environment.
To Make sure your web server really works with php script file; go into C:/xampp/htdocs and create a php file in php editor like notepad++ and save it at c:\xampp\htdocs\xyz.php then open your browser and type http://localhost/index.php and hit enter now you will get output of php file.
Let us create first example in PHP:-
PHP Hello World Program Example:
<?php echo "Hello World!"; ??> |