PHP explode function : It breaks the string into an array. It takes string as an input and returns the array.
Here is the PHP Syntax
explode(separator, string, limit)
separator : Separator the delimiter in string from where to break it in array such as break a string where whitespace found.
string : String As Input.
limit : Is optional which specifies how many elements to return.
There are following possible limits :
a. limit > 0 : Return an array with max possible limit.
b. limit = 0 : Return an array with one element all string parts will be in one element of array.
c. limit < 0 : Return the array except the last element of array.
PHP explode Function Example 1 : Limit = 2 (>0)
$str = "a b c d e"; $array = explode(" " , $str, 2); print_r($array); |
Output Will Be :
PHP explode() function
PHP explode Function Example 2 : Limit = 0
$str = "a b c d e"; $array = explode(" " , $str, 0); print_r($array); |
Output of the above example will be :
PHP explode Function Example 3 : Limit = -1 (<0)
$str = "a b c d e"; $array = explode(" " , $str, -1); print_r($array); |
PHP explode() function