Magento save data in sales_flat_quote_item table
Magento save data in sales_flat_quote_item table : You can save/update data in magento sales_flat_quote_item table as easily using the model sales/quote_item.
Magento save data in sales_flat_quote_item table
Below is syntax to update data in magento sales_flat_quote_item table
$quoteItem = Mage::getModel('sales/quote_item')->load(quote_item_id); $quoteItem->setColumnName(value); $quoteItem->save();
Where quote_item_id is quote item id (primary key in sales_flat_quote_item table) used to load the row you want to update.
ColumnName : Name of column you want to update.
Value : Value You want to update.
$quoteItem = Mage::getModel('sales/quote_item')->load($quoteItemId); $quoteItem->setCustomPrice('10.99'); $quoteItem->save();