Magento format price currency
Magento format price currency: In magento we need to format integer values to price in their respective currency. You can format price with currency symbol or without current symbol. By Default currency symbol($22.50) is added in magento here we are going to cover both situation with and without current syn
Magento format price currency
Here are both conditions to format currency in magento –
Magento format price with currency
You can format price with currency as below –
Magento format price with currency
$priceWitCurrency = Mage::helper('core')->currency($finalPrice, true, false); |
The example will format price with currency symbol.
Magento format price without currency
You can format price without currency as below –
Magento format price without currency
$priceWitoutCurrency = Mage::helper('core')->currency($finalPrice, array('display' => Zend_Currency::NO_SYMBOL)); |
The example will format price without currency symbol.