Ionic React Alert
Ionic React Alert: An Alert is basically a dialog box used to presents users with some data or it is used to collect some detail from them. Alert box basically appears on the top of the screen which is dismiss-able at any time. It can have top header and bottom footer. In Ionic React there are various types of Alerts available we are going to learn one by one.
Ionic React Alert [ion-alert]
Ionic React Alert
import React, { Component } from 'react' import { IonAlert } from '@ionic/react'; type Props = {} type State = { showAlert1: boolean showAlert2: boolean showAlert3: boolean showAlert4: boolean showAlert5: boolean showAlert6: boolean } export default class AlertExample extends Component<Props, State> { constructor(props: Props) { super(props); this.state = { showAlert1: false showAlert2: false showAlert3: false showAlert4: false showAlert5: false showAlert6: false }; } render() { return ( <IonAlert isOpen={this.state.showAlert1} onDidDismiss={() => this.setState(() => ({ showAlert1: false }))} header={'Alert'} subHeader={'Subtitle'} message={'This is an alert message.'} buttons={['OK']} > </IonAlert> <IonAlert isOpen={this.state.showAlert2} onDidDismiss={() => this.setState(() => ({ showAlert2: false }))} header={'Alert'} subHeader={'Subtitle'} message={'This is an alert message.'} buttons={['Cancel', 'Open Modal', 'Delete']} > </IonAlert> <IonAlert isOpen={this.state.showAlert3} onDidDismiss={() => this.setState(() => ({ showAlert3: false }))} header={'Confirm!'} message={'Message <strong>text</strong>!!!'} buttons={[ { text: 'Cancel', role: 'cancel', cssClass: 'secondary', handler: (blah) => { console.log('Confirm Cancel: blah'); } }, { text: 'Okay', handler: () => { console.log('Confirm Okay'); } } ]} > </IonAlert> <IonAlert isOpen={this.state.showAlert4} onDidDismiss={() => this.setState(() => ({ showAlert4: false }))} header={'Prompt!'} inputs={[ { name: 'name1', type: 'text', placeholder: 'Placeholder 1' }, { name: 'name2', type: 'text', id: 'name2-id', value: 'hello', placeholder: 'Placeholder 2' }, { name: 'name3', value: '', type: 'url', placeholder: 'Favorite site ever' }, // input date with min & max { name: 'name4', type: 'date', min: '2017-03-01', max: '2018-01-12' }, // input date without min nor max { name: 'name5', type: 'date' }, { name: 'name6', type: 'number', min: -5, max: 10 }, { name: 'name7', type: 'number' } ]} buttons={[ { text: 'Cancel', role: 'cancel', cssClass: 'secondary', handler: () => { console.log('Confirm Cancel'); } }, { text: 'Ok', handler: () => { console.log('Confirm Ok'); } } ]} > </IonAlert> <IonAlert isOpen={this.state.showAlert5} onDidDismiss={() => this.setState(() => ({ showAlert5: false }))} header={'Radio'} inputs={[ { name: 'radio1', type: 'radio', label: 'My Radio 1', value: 'value1', checked: true }, { name: 'radio2', type: 'radio', label: 'My Radio 2', value: 'value2' }, { name: 'radio3', type: 'radio', label: 'My Radio 3', value: 'value3' }, { name: 'radio4', type: 'radio', label: 'My Radio 4', value: 'value4' }, { name: 'radio5', type: 'radio', label: 'My Radio 5', value: 'value5' }, { name: 'radio6', type: 'radio', label: 'My Radio 6', value: 'value6' } ]} buttons={[ { text: 'Cancel', role: 'cancel', cssClass: 'secondary', handler: () => { console.log('Confirm Cancel'); } }, { text: 'Ok', handler: () => { console.log('Confirm Click'); } } ]} > </IonAlert> <IonAlert isOpen={this.state.showAlert6} onDidDismiss={() => this.setState(() => ({ showAlert6: false }))} header={'Checkbox'} inputs={[ { name: 'checkbox1', type: 'checkbox', label: 'My Checkbox 1', value: 'value1', checked: true }, { name: 'checkbox2', type: 'checkbox', label: 'My Checkbox 2', value: 'value2' }, { name: 'checkbox3', type: 'checkbox', label: 'My Checkbox 3', value: 'value3' }, { name: 'checkbox4', type: 'checkbox', label: 'My Checkbox 4', value: 'value4' }, { name: 'checkbox5', type: 'checkbox', label: 'My Checkbox 5', value: 'value5' }, { name: 'checkbox6', type: 'checkbox', label: 'My Checkbox 6', value: 'value6' } ]} buttons={[ { text: 'Cancel', role: 'cancel', cssClass: 'secondary', handler: () => { console.log('Confirm Cancel'); } }, { text: 'Ok', handler: () => { console.log('Confirm Ok'); } } ]} > </IonAlert> ); } } |
Output Sample