Ionic List : Lists are used to display data in very simple format. It can be used to display data in various format. It can contain simple text to rich content icons, buttons, thumbnails and multimedia etc.
Ionic provides very powerful list components which supports various modes such as reorder, swap to edit etc. We are going to explain the ionic list with example and demo.
Ionic List
Class .list is used to create list in ionic. Here is very basic example of ionic list –
If you run the above example it will produce the following output-
Ionic List Divider
You can add dividers in ionic by adding the class item-divider
List Divider Example
Here is an example of using dividers in lists is-
If you run the above example it will produce the following output-
Ionic List With Icons
You can add icons in list. You can add position of icons by adding the item-icon-right and item-icon-left
List Icons Example
Here is an example of using icons in list-
If you run the above example it will produce the following output-