Hide back button in ionic AngularJs : Sometimes we need to hide the back button on some pages. We can use $ionicNavBarDelegate service and showBackButton() function to show and hide the back button.
Hide back button in ionic AngularJs
You disable the back button in ionic as below –
Hide back button in ionic AngularJs Example
.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope, $location, $ionicNavBarDelegate) { var path = $location.path(); if (path.indexOf('edit') != -1){ $ionicNavBarDelegate.showBackButton(false); } else{ $ionicNavBarDelegate.showBackButton(true); } }) |
The above example will hide the back button where the page index of ‘edit’ is not equal to -1 ie it will hide the back button except the edit page. So you can add other condition to show and hide the back button.
- $ionicNavBarDelegate.showBackButton(false) – This will hide the back button.
- $ionicNavBarDelegate.showBackButton(false) – This will show the back button.