Codeigniter Transactions Reference

Codeigniter Transactions Reference – This database reference provides many functions that allows you to use transactions with databases that support transaction-safe table type. In MySQL, you will need to be running InnoDB or BDB table type rather than the more common MY|SAM. Most other database platform support transactions natively. Here in this tutorial, we are going to explain how to use transactions reference.

Codeigniter Transactions Reference | Example.

Let us understand how transactions reference works in codeigniter with examples.


There are following functions available in transactions reference. Now we will explain one by one.

  • 1. Running Transactions.
  • 2. Strict Mode.
  • 3. Managing Errors.
  • 4. Disabling Transactions.
  • 5. Test Mode.
  • 6. Running Transactions Manually.

1. Running Transactions.

Here is simple demo of running transactions.


Syntax of running transactions.

defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
class transaction_controller extends CI_Controller 
public function runningtransaction()
$this->db->query('select * from blog');
if($this->db->query('select * from blog'))
	echo "success!";

Output will be like this:-

Codeigniter Transactions Reference

2. Strict Mode.

Here is simple demo of strict mode.


Syntax of strict mode.


3. Managing Errors.

Here is simple demo of managing errors.


Syntax of managing errors.

defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
class transaction_controller extends CI_Controller 
public function errorHandling()
$this->db->query('select * from blog');
if ($this->db->trans_status() === FALSE)
echo "error";
echo "Successfully run !";

Output will be like this:-

Codeigniter Transactions Reference

4. Disabling Transactions.

Here is simple demo of disabling transactions.


Syntax of disabling transactions.

defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
class transaction_controller extends CI_Controller 
public function disabletransaction()
$this->db->query('select * from blog');
echo $this->db->last_query();

Output will be like this:-

Codeigniter Transactions Reference

5. Test Mode.

Here is simple demo of test mode.


Syntax of test mode.

defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
class transaction_controller extends CI_Controller 
public function TestMode()
$this->db->query("UPDATE blog SET name='Doe' WHERE id=2");
echo $this->db->last_query();

Output will be like this:-

Codeigniter Transactions Reference

6. Running Transactions Manually.

Here is simple demo of running transactions manually.


Syntax of running transactions manually.

defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
class transaction_controller extends CI_Controller 
public function Manually()
$this->db->query('select * from blog');
$this->db->query("UPDATE blog SET name='Doe' WHERE id=2");
if ($this->db->trans_status() === FALSE)
echo $this->db->trans_rollback();
echo $this->db->trans_commit();


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