Category Archives: UIkit

UIkit Accordion

UIkit Accordion– Accordion is basically list of items which is displayed when we click on the header. Add attribute uk-accordion to ul to create Accordion container and then add accordion title and content. Here in this article we are going to explain how to create Accordion in UIkit framework.

UIkit Accordion | Component | Collapse | Open Example

Add attribute uk-accordion to parent container and add title and content for each item. Here is simple example of Accordion-

UIkit Accordion Example:

  • Item 1

    Content 1 description..
  • Item 2

    Content 2 description..
  • Item 3

    Content 3 description..
  • Item 4

    Content 4 description..

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  • .uk-accordion-title– This is used to add the title of Accordion item.
  • .uk-accordion-content– This is used to add the content of Accordion item.

If you run the above example it will produce output something like this-

UIkit Accordion Example

No Collapse

By default Accordion items are collapsible. If you want to prevent the item collapse you can assign uk-accordion value – collapsible: false.


Here is complete example-

No Collapse Example:

  • Item 1

    Description Content 1.

  • Item 2

    Description Content 2.

  • Item 3

    Description Content 3.

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Open Multiple Items

You can open multiple items at a time by assigning uk-accordion attribute value multiple: true.

Allow Multiple Item Open Example:

  • Item 1

    Description Content 1.

  • Item 2

    Description Content 2.

  • Item 3

    Description Content 3.

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Set Open Items

We can use class=”open” to keep the specified item open. You can also keep multiple options open at same time. Just make sure to add multiple: true to accordion.

Set Open Items Example:

  • Item 1

    Description Content 1.

  • Item 2

    Description Content 2.

  • Item 3

    Description Content 3.

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Option Value Default Description
targets String > * CSS selector of the element(s) to toggle.
active Number false Index of the element to open initially.
collapsible Boolean true This Allows all items to close if they are open.
multiple Boolean false Use this to open multiple items at same time.
animation Boolean true Use this to add animation.
transition String ease The transition to use when revealing items.
duration Number 200 Animation duration in milliseconds.


You can use the following JavaScript component.


UIkit.accordion(element, options);


Name Description
beforeshow Fires before an item is displayed. Return false to prevent showing.
show It is Fired after an item is shown.
shown Fires after the item is shown fully.
beforehide Fires before an item is hidden. Return false to prevent hiding.
hide Fires after an item’s hide animation has started.
hidden Fires after an item is hidden completly.


UIkit.accordion(element).toggle(index, animate);

Name Type Default Description
index String, Integer, Node 0 Accordion pane to toggle. 0 based index.
animate Boolean true Suppress opening animation by passing false.

UIkit Grid

UIkit Grid UIkit provides classes to create responsive, fluid and nested grid container. Here in this tutorial, we are going to explain how to create grid containers in UIkit. You can also use our online editor to edit and run the code online.

UIkit Grid Example

To create grid container, add attribute .uk-grid to div and add child div. You don’t need to add class to create class. Let us create a simple grid.

UIkit Grid Example:

Column 1
Column 2
Column 3

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If you run the above example it will produce the following output-

UIkit Grid Example

Gutter Modifiers

  • .uk-grid-small – Add this class to apply a small gutter.
  • .uk-grid-medium– Add this class to apply a medium gutter like the default one, but without a breakpoint.
  • .uk-grid-large– Add this class to apply a large gutter with breakpoints.
  • .uk-grid-collapse– Add this class to remove the grid gutter entirely.


Gutter Modifier Example:


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UIkit Grid Example

Divider Modifier

Add .uk-grid-divider class to separate the grid cells.

Divider Modifier Example:

Dummy Text., Dummy TextDummy TextDummy TextDummy TextDummy TextDummy TextDummy Text
Dummy Text Dummy Text Dummy Text Dummy Text Dummy Text Dummy Text Dummy Text Dummy Text.
Dummy TextDummy TextDummy TextDummy TextDummy TextDummy TextDummy TextDummy TextDummy Text.

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UIkit Grid Example

Match Height

Add class .uk-grid-match to make each cell height same.

Make Grid Cell Height Same Example:

Item Line 1
Line 2
Line 3

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If you run the above example it will produce the output something like this-

Grid Cell Height Same

Match Only One Cell

Add class .uk-grid-item-match to the grid whose child you want to make same.

Grid And Width

You can use width component to add the width of UIkit grid. Here is an example-

UIkit Section

UIkit Section– UIkit provides css classes to create horizontal layout sections with different styles. It is very simple to create sections in UIkit.

UIkit Section Example

Sections are basically used to separate the page in different-different blocks. To create a section you just need to add class .uk-section. Here is simple example of section.

By default sections are blank so we need to add class .uk-section-muted. Let us create a simple container.

UIkit Sections Example:

My section

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UIkit Section Example

Style Modifiers

You can add following modifiers to change the style of modifiers.

  • .uk-section-default– This class will add the background color to the section.
  • .uk-section-muted– This adds the muted background color.
  • .uk-section-primary– This adds primary background color.
  • .uk-section-secondary– This adds secondary background color.


Modifier Example:

Primary Section..

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UIkit Section Example

Size Modifier

Following size modifiers are available in UIkit css framework.

  • .uk-section-xsmall– This class adds the minimum padding.
  • .uk-section-small– This decreases the default padding og section.
  • .uk-section-large– This class increases the padding.
  • .uk-section-xlarge– This increases the default padding.
  • .uk-padding-remove-vertical– This removes the vertical padding.

Overlap Modifier

Add class .uk-section-overlap to add border image and negative offset overlap.

UIkit Container

UIkit Container– This component allows you to create container which is center aligned. Class .uk-container is used to create simple container. Here in this tutorial, we are going to explain how to use container component. You can also use our online editor to edit and run the code online.

UIkit Container Example

To create container add class uk-container, It will contain the max-width of the website with padding on both sides.

UIkit Container Example:

Learn UIkit on!

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Output of above example is-

UIkit container Example

Size Modifiers

Following modifier classes are available which we can use to have different-different max-width.

Class Description
.uk-container-small Use this to create narrow container.
.uk-container-large Use this to create wide container.
.uk-container-expand This will create container to full width with dynamic horizontal padding.

Now let us create a simple example to understand the above containers.

Modifiers Example:

Small Container

Large Container

Expand Container

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If you run the above example it will produce output something like this-

UIkit container Example

UIkit Installation

UIkit Installation– You can easily install UIkit either locally or you can use hosted CDN Url to use UIKit framework. Here in this tutorial, we are going to explain how to install UIkit.

UIkit Installation Steps | CDN URL | Download Locally

There are following ways to install UIkit Installation-

Using NPM

Run the following NPM command to install UIkit-

Install UIkit Using NPM Command Example:

npm install uikit

Using Hosted CDN

You can use hosted CDN to install the UIkit css. You can include the UIkit JS and CSS from CDN url simply as below-

Install UIkit CDN URL:

Install Locally

You can download the CSS and JS from Download UIkit and include the CSS and JS files.

Clone From Git Repo

You can clone the files from Git repository.

Install UIkit Git Command:

git clone git://

Uikit Tutorial

UIkit Tutorial – UIkit is modern CSS framework. It is lightweight and modular framework for developing fast and powerful web applications. It is very simple to use the UIkit, You can easily customize and extend the features.

Uikit Tutorial Step By Step

UIkit provides rich layouts components, responsive design, animations and transitions. UIkit gives you nice collection of HTML, CSS and JS components which you can easily use and customize.

  • Responsive– It is developed with the mobile-first approach. It is fully responsive across all devices.
  • Customization– UIkit can be easily customized as per the your theme.
  • Components– It provides ready made beautiful components with clear naming convention.
  • LESS– It uses SASS and LESS to write the well-structured which can be easily extended.
  • Open Source– It is open source which you can use free of cost.

    • Audience

      This tutorial is designed for the professionals to help them in learning the basic concept of UIkit CSS.

      What You Should Know?

      Before starting to Learn UIkit you should be aware of basic concept of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.