Category Archives: Basic General knowledge

SSC CGL Tier 2 Exam Pattern And Syllabus 2017

SSC CGL Tier 2 Exam Pattern And Syllabus 2017: – The Staff Selection Commission is going to conduct Tier 2 exam soon. So eager candidates can go through the page to see the complete syllabus and exam pattern to prepare their exam in a better and organized way.

SSC CGL Tier 2 Exam Pattern And Syllabus 2017 | Exam Pattern | Syllabus.

The syllabus of SSC CGL Tier 2 Exam.

Let’s see first look at the exam pattern for SSC CGL Tier 2.

S.No. Subject No. of Questions Marks Negative Marking
1. Quantitative Aptitude 100 200 0.50
2. English 200 200 0.25
3. Statistics 100 200 0.50
4. Finanace And Accounting 40 80 0.50
Economics & Governance 60 Total Ques.=100 120 Total Ques.=200

Detailed SSC CGL Tier 2 Syllabus

Quantitative Exam

1.        Number System,
2.        Probability,
3.        Data Tables,
4.        HCF & LCM,
5.        Numbers Series,
6.        Approximation Wrong Number,
7.        Permutation And Combination,
8.        Approximation Wrong Number,
9.        Finding Next Number In Series,
10.       Decimal Fraction,
11.       Partnerships,
12.       Percentage,
13.       Ration And Proportions,
14.       Average And Age Related Questions,
15.       Pie charts And Bar Graphs,
16.       Line Graphs,
17.       Mixed Graphs,
18.       Case Study,
19.       Mensuration,
20.       Mixture s and Alligations,
21.       Square Root And Cube Root,
22.       Profit And Loss,
23.       Simple And Compound Interest,
24.       Time And Work,
25.       Time And Distance,
26.       Simplications,
27.       Data Interpretation,
28.       Algebra,
29.       Trigonometry and Geometry.


1.        Verbs,
2.        Tenses,
3.        Active and Passive voice,
4.        Direct and Indirect Speech,
5.        Subject-verb agreement,
6.        Adverb,
7.        Error correction,
8.        Sentence rearrangement,
9.        Articles,
10.       Antonyms,
11.       Synonyms,
12.       Unseen passage,
13.       Idioms and phrases,
14.       Grammar (Error detection and phrases replacement),
15.       Vocabulary and Comprehension,
16.       Fill in the blanks,
17.       Reading Comprehension,
18.       Paragraph and Sentence Jumbling Up.


1. Collection and representation of data:

Common measures-mean, median and mode, Partition values- Quartiles, deciles and percentiles,

2. Measures of Dispersion:

Measures of relative dispersion, common measures-Range, Quartile deviations, standard deviation and mean deviation,

3. Moments, Skewness and Kurtosis:

Meaning and different measures of skewness and kurtosis, Different types of moments and their relationships,

4. Probability Theory:

Meaning and different definitions of Probability, Compound Probability, Conditional Probability, Independent Events and Baye’s Theorem,

5. Random Variable And Probability Distribution:

Random Variables, Probability Functions, Expectation and Variance of a random variable, Binomial and Poisson, Normal and Exponential distributions, Joint distribution of two random variables,

6. Sampling Theory:

Concept of population and sample, Parameters and statistics, Sampling and non-sampling errors, Probability and non-probability sampling techniques (simple random sampling, stratified sampling, multistage sampling, cluster sampling, systematic sampling, purposive sampling, convenience and quota sampling), Sampling distribution, Sample size decisions,

7. Statistical Inference:

Point Estimation and interval estimation, Properties of a good estimator, Methods of good estimation (Moments Method, Maximum Likelihood Method),
Least Square Method), Testing of hypothesis, Basic concept of testing, Small and Large Sample Tests, the test based on Z, t, Chi-Square, and F statistics, Confidence Intervals,

8. Analysis of Variance:

Analysis of one way and two classified data,

9. Time Series Analysis:

Components of Time Series, Determinations of trend components by different methods,

10.Index Numbers:

Meaning of index numbers, Problem in the construction of index numbers, Types of index numbers, Different formulae, Base shifting and splicing of index numbers, Cost of living index numbers, Uses of index numbers.

General Awareness

This part is divided into two separate papers.
a) Finance and accounting
b) Economic and Governance

1. Finance and accounting:

Fundamental principles and basic concept of accounting.
Financial Accounting: Nature and Scope, limitations of financial accounting, Basic concepts, and conventions, generally accepted accounting principles.
Basic Principles of Accounting: Single and double entry, bank reconciliation, ledgers, journals, books of original entry, Rectification of errors, Trial Balance, Trading, Profit and loss appropriation accounts, Manufacturing, Balance Sheet distinction between capital and revenue expenditure, Depreciation Accounting, Valuation of Inventories, Receipts and payments, income and expenditure accounts,
Nonprofit organizations accounts, bills of exchange, self-balancing ledgers,

2. Economic and Governance:

Finance commission-Role and functions, Basic concepts of economics, and introduction to microeconomics, central problems of an economy and production possibilities curve and methods of economic study.

SSC Stenographer Group C And D Exam Pattern And Syllabus 2017

SSC Stenographer Group C And D Exam Pattern And Syllabus 2017: – The Staff Selection Commission has announced various posts for stenographer group c and d. So we provide exam pattern and subject-wise complete syllabus. Candidates who are seeking for this job, just scroll down our page to get full details of examinationation details.

SSC Stenographer Group C And D Exam Pattern And Syllabus 2017 | Exam Pattern | Syllabus.

The syllabus of SSC Stenographer.

Let’s see first look at the exam pattern for SSC Group C And D.

Part Subject No. of Questions Total Marks Duration
1. General Awareness 50 50 2 Hours
2. General Intelligence and Reasoning 50 50
3. English Language and Comprehension 100 100
                                          Total Marks 200

Stenographer Subject-Wise Complete Syllabus Stenographer Group C And D

General Intelligence And Reasoning

1.        Analogy,
2.        Odd Man Out,
3.        Syllogism,
4.        Coding Decoding,
5.        Blood Relations,
6.        Alphabet Test,
7.        Series Test,
8.        Number System,
9.        Ranking and Time Sequence,
10.       Direction Test,
11.       Sitting Arrangement,
12.       Decision Making,
13.       Input & Output,
14.       Assertion And Reasons,
15.       Figure Series,
16.       Word Formation,
17.       Statement and Conclusions,
18.       Statement And Assumptions,
19.       Statement And Arguments,
20.       Statement And Action’s Course,
21.       Passage And Conclusions,
22.       Figure Series Test,
23.       Odd Figures,
24.       Miscellaneous Test,
25.       Mirror And Water Images.

Genaral English

1.        Spotting Errors,
2.        Cloze Test,
3.        Synonyms And Antonyms,
4.        Comprehensions,
5.        Commonly Misspelled Words,
6.        One Word Substitution,
7.        Idioms And Phrases,
8.        Reconstruction Of Passage And Sentences,
9.        Double Blank In Sentence,
10.       Fill In The Blank,
11.       Jumbled Up Sentences,
12.       Phrases Substitution.

General Awareness

1.        History of India,
2.        Geography of India,
3.        Economic Issues In India,
4.        National Current News,
5.        International Issues,
6.        Scientific Observations,
7.        Indian Culture,
8.        New Inventions,
9.        Political Science,
10.       Musical Instruments,
11.       Important Places,
12.       Sculpture.
13.       Tourism Spots of Historical Importance,
14.       Artists,
15.       Tribes,
16.       Handicrafts,
17.       National Dance,
18.       Music and Literature,
19.       Important Dates,
20.       Books and Authors,
21.       Famous Places In India,
22.       World Organizations,
23.       Science Innovations,
24.       Countries and Capitals,
25.       Geography,
26.       Arts,
27.       Sports,
28.       General Polity Including Constitution and Scientific Research,
29.       About India and it’s neighboring Countries.

Delhi Police Recruitment For Constables 2017

Delhi Police Recruitment For Constables 2017: – Delhi Police Department has released many vacancies for the post of constable across all over the states of the country. They will be announcing written exam date soon. So the applicants may visit our article to hit the current and complete syllabus and exam pattern. Just scroll down our page below and get all relevant exam details.

Delhi Police Recruitment For Constables 2017 | Exam Pattern | Syllabus.

The syllabus of Delhi Police Recruitment For Constables 2017.

Let’s see first look at the exam pattern for Delhi police constable.

Subject Number of Questions Maximum Marks Duration
General Knowledge 50 50 90 Minutes
Reasoning 35 35
Numerical Ability 15 15
Total 100 100

Delhi Police Subject-Wise Exam Pattern and Syllabus:-

General Knowledge Syllabus

1.        History of India,
2.        Geography of India,
3.        Economic Issues In India,
4.        National Current News,
5.        International Issues,
6.        Scientific Observations,
7.        Indian Culture,
8.        New Inventions,
9.        Political Science,
10.       Musical Instruments,
11.       Important Places,
12.       Sculpture,
13.       Tourism Spots of Historical Importance,
14.       Artists,
15.       Tribes,
16.       Handicrafts,
17.       National Dance,
18.       Music and Literature,
19.       Important Dates,
20.       Books and Authors,
21.       Famous Places In India,
22.       World Organizations,
23.       Science Innovations,
24.       Countries and Capitals,
25.       Geography,
26.       Arts,
27.       About India and it’s neighboring Countries.

Numerical Ability

1.        Number Systems,
2.        Decimals and Fractions,
3.        Whole Numbers,
4.        Fundamental Arithmetic Operations,
5.        Mixtures and Allegations,
6.        Profit and Loss,
7.        Time and Distance,
8.        Time and Work,
9.        Data Interpretation,
10.       Percentages,
11.       Discount,
12.       Ratio and Proportions,
13.       Rate of Interest,
14.       Table Charts,
15.       Bar Charts,
16.       Pie Charts,
17.       Line Chart.


1.        Problem Solving,
2.        Syllogistic Reasoning,
3.        Analogies,
4.        Visual Memories,
5.        Judgments,
6.        Non-Verbal Series,
7.        Decision Making,
8.        Number Series,
9.        Directions,
10.       Coding-Decoding,
11.       Clocks and Calendars,
12.       Alphabet Series,
13.       Cubes and Dice,
14.       Arrangements,
15.       Mirror Images,
16.       Arithmetic Reasoning,
17.       Blood Relations,
18.       Number Ranking,
19.       Embedded Figures.

DMRC Recruitment 2017 For Junior Engineer , Assistant Manager And Maintainer

DMRC Recruitment 2017 For Junior Engineer, Assistant Manager And Maintainer: – Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) has announced recruitment drive for various posts for junior engineers, assistant manager, and maintainer etc. So we are providing you the complete description of the syllabus as well as exam pattern including total no. of questions asked and duration etc. Hence go through our article and scroll down it to read relevant information.

DMRC Recruitment 2017 For Junior Engineer, Assistant Manager, And Maintainer Exam Pattern | Syllabus.

The syllabus of DMRC Recruitment 2017 For Junior Engineer, Assistant Manager, And Maintainer.

Let’s see first look at the exam pattern for DMRC.

S. No. Paper Subjects No. of Questions Duration
1. Paper 1 Hindi/English 120 1 Hour and 30 Minutes
General Awareness
Logical Ability
Quantitative Aptitude
Relevant Trade
2. Paper2 General English 60 45 Minutes


Paper 1

General Awareness

1.        Budget and Five Year Plans,
2.        Current Affairs (National and International),
3.        Science Inventions and Discoveries,
4.        Abbreviations and Important Days and Events,
5.        Awards and Honors,
6.        Major Financial and Economic News,
7.        Who is who?,
8.        Books and Authors.

Quantitative Aptitude

1.        Simple and Compound Interest,
2.        Time and Work,
3.        Unitary Method,
4.        Decimal Fractions,
5.        HCF, LCM,
6.        Number System,
7.        Percentage, Average,
8.        Time and Distance.
9.        Profit and Loss,
10.       Data Interpretation,
11.       Mensuration,
12.       Trigonometry,
13.       Algebra,
14.       Problems Related To Boats and Streams,
15.       Problems Related To Trains,
16.       Simplification,
14.       Number Series,
15.       Problems Related To Trains,
15.       Ratio and Proportion.

General English

1.        Spotting Errors,
2.        Cloze Test,
3.        Synonyms And Antonyms,
4.        Comprehensions,
5.        Commonly Misspelled Words,
6.        One Word Substitution,
7.        Idioms And Phrases,
8.        Reconstruction of Passage and Sentences,
9.        Double Blank in Sentence,
10.       Fill In the Blank,
11.       Jumbled Up Sentences,
12.       Phrases Substitution.

Logical Ability


1.        Number and Alphabet Series,
2.        Test of Direction Test,
3.        Coding-Decoding,
4.        Arithmetic Reasoning,
5.        Problem on Age Calculation,
6.        Blood Relations and decision Making.


1.        Non-Verbal Series,
2.        Mirror-Images,
3.        Grouping Identical And Embedded Figures.

Syllabus For Different Trades

Electrical Engineering Syllabus

1.        Network Analysis,
2.        Power Electronics and Drives,
3.        Electronic Devices,
4.        Switch Gear and Protection,
5.        Electrical Machines,
6.        Power Systems,
7.        Control Systems,
8.        Power System Protection,
9.        Utilization of Electrical Energy,
10.       Power System Analysis and Control,
11.       Electrical Instrumentation,
12.       Analog and Digital Electronics,
13.        Electromagnetic Theory.

Electronics Engineering Syllabus

1.        Basic Electronics And Power Electronics,
2.        Computer Hardware,
3.        Analog Communications,
4.        Digital Communications,
5.        Microprocessors and Microcontrollers,
6.        Industrial Electronics,
7.        Analog Electronics,
8.        Measurement and Instrumentation,
9.        Power Electronics and Drives,
10.       Circuit Theory and Digital Electronics,
11.       Advanced Communication.

Mechanical Engineering Syllabus

1.        Refrigerator and Air-Conditioning,
2.        Manufacturing Process,
3.        Pattern Making,
4.        Heat Power,
5.        Machine Tools,
6.        Engineering Mechanics,
7.        Fluid Mechanics and Machines,
8.        Welding and Allied Processes,
9.        Air Compressor,
10.       Strength of Materials,
11.       Heat Power.

Civil Engineering Syllabus

1.        Concrete Technology,
2.        Surveying,
3.        Construction,
4.        Hydrology,
5.        Engineering Materials,
6.        Structural Analysis,
7.        Construction Equipment , Planning and Management,
8.        The Strength of Materials,
9.        Irrigation Engineering,
10.       Geotechnical Engineering,
11.       Environmental Engineering,
12.        Estimation and Coating,
13.       Transportation and Engineering,
14.       Engineering Drawing.

Paper 2

English Language

1.        Paragraph Writing,
2.        Comprehension,
3.        Essay and Questions on Science and technology matter.

Border Security Force Recruitment For Sub Inspector Exam Pattern

Border Security Force Recruitment For Sub Inspector Exam Pattern: – Border Security Force has announced various vacancies for the post of Sub Inspector. So we advise to all candidates to go through the page and scroll it to get complete syllabus details.

Border Security Force Recruitment For Sub Inspector Exam Pattern | Syllabus.

The syllabus of border security force Recruitment for Sub inspector.

Let’s see first look at the exam pattern for border security force.

S.No. Exam Type Name Of Subject No of Questions Marks Duration
1. Objective Reasoning/ General Intelligence 50 50 3 Hours
2. General Awareness 50 50
3. Comprehension And Communication Skill 50 50
4. Conventional Numerical Ability 50 50

BSF SI Subject-Wise Complete Exam Syllabus:-

General Intelligence & Reasoning Syllabus

1.        Figure Classification,
2.        Arithmetic Number Series,
3.        Decision Making,
4.        Coding and Decoding,
5.        Statement Conclusion,
6.        Spetial Orientation,
7.        Relationship Concepts,
8.        Visual Memory,
9.        Arithmetic Reasoning,
10.       Non-Verbal Reasoning,
11.       Space Visualization,
12.       Observation,
13.       Problem Solving,
14.       Analogies,
15.       Similarities and Differences,
16.       Analysis.

General Awareness

1.        Abbreviation,
2.        General Science,
3.        Science And Technology,
4.        Indian Polity,
5.        Indian Culture And Heritage,
6.        History of India,
7.        Indian Geography,
8.        Indian Economy,
9.        Books and Authors,
10.       Current Affairs National And International,
11.       Countries, Capital and Currencies,
12.       Indian Constitution.

Numerical Ability

1.        Fraction Numbers,
2.        Ratio And Proportions,
3.        Whole Numbers,
4.        Time And Work,
5.        Time And Distance,
6.        Ratio And Time,
7.        Fundamental Arithmetic Operations,
8.        Profit And Loss,
9.        Use of Tables And Graphs,
10.       Numbers System,
11.       Mensuration,
12.       Trigonometry,
13.       Surface Area and Volume,
14.       Averages,
15.       Percentages ,
16.       Simple And Compound Interest.

Comprehension And Communication Skill

1.        Antonyms,
2.        One Word Substitutions,
3.        Fill In The Blanks,
4.        Comprehension,
5.        Sentence Completion,
6.        Unseen Passage,
7.        Subject-Verb Agreement,
8.        Grammar,
9.        Idioms And Phrases,
10.       Error Correction,
11.       Vocabulary,
12.       Shuffling of Sentence Parts,
13.       Synonyms,
14.       Sentence Rearrangement.

Karnataka State Police Constable Recruitment 2017

Karnataka State Police Constable Recruitment 2017: – Karnataka State Police Department recently has been announced 1313 vacancies for the civil police constable. So you should follow our article for complete subject-wise syllabus and exam pattern. Just scroll down the page and get the exam details easily.

Karnataka State Police Constable Recruitment 2017 | Exam Pattern | Syllabus.

The syllabus of Karnataka State Police Constable Recruitment 2017.

Let’s see first look at the exam pattern for Karnataka State Police Constable.

S.No. Paper Type Subject Marks Duration
1. Paper 1(Descriptive) English/Cannada 50 1 Hour 30 Minutes
Each paper
2. Paper 2(Objective) General Studies 150
                                         Total 200

K.S.P Subject-Wise Complete Syllabus Description:-

General Studies

1.        Indian Constitution,
2.        History,
3.        Awards and Honors,
4.        Current Affairs,
5.        National And International Events,
6.        Culture,
7.        Sports and Games,
8.        Books,
9.        General Politics,
10.       Current Events,
11.       Important Days and Happening,
12.       Books and Authors,
13.       Economic Science,
14.       Science Inventions and Discoveries,
15.       Geography,
16.       Abbreviation,
17.       Important Economic and Financial News.


1.        Tenses And Articles,
2.        Verb And Adverb,
3.        Conclusion,
4.        Error Correction,
5.        Vocabulary,
6.        Grammar,
7.        Synonyms,
8.        Antonyms,
9.        Word Formation,
10.       Verb Agreement,
11.       Theme Detection,
12.       Comprehension,
13.       Passage Completion,
14.       Fill In the Blanks,
15.       Idioms and Phrases,
16.       Unseen Passages,
17.       Sentence Completion.
18.       Sentence Rearrangement.

Karur Vysya Bank Recruitment 2017 for Probationary Officers

Karur Vysya Bank Recruitment 2017 for Probationary Officers: – Karur Vysya Bank recruitment 2017 has released online form for filling several vacancies for the posts of probationary officers. So the applicants can reach to their complete syllabus and exam pattern in this article. Just scroll down the page you are on, and find all the required and relevant information about this examination.

Karur Vysya Bank Recruitment 2017 for Probationary Officers | Exam Pattern | Syllabus.

The syllabus of Karur Vysya Bank Recruitment 2017 for Probationary Officers.

Let’s see first look at the exam pattern for Karur Vysya Bank Recruitment.

S.No Subjects No. of questions Marks Duration
1. Reasoning 50 50 40 Min
2. English 40 40 30 Min
3. Quantitative Aptitude 50 50 20 Min
4. General Awareness 40 40 10 Min
5. Computer 20 20 40 Min
             Total 200 200 140 Min

Karur Vysya Subject-Wise Complete Syllabus 2017:-


1.        Analogy,
2.        Odd Man Out,
3.        Syllogism,
4.        Coding Decoding,
5.        Blood Relations,
6.        Alphabet Test,
7.        Series Test,
8.        Number System,
9.        Ranking and Time Sequence,
10.       Direction Test,
11.       Sitting Arrangement,
12.       Decision Making,
13.       Input & Output,
14.       Assertion and Reasons,
15.       Figure Series,
16.       Word Formation,
17.       Statement and Conclusions,
18.       Statement and Assumptions,
19.       Statement and Arguments,
20.       Statement and Action’s Course,
21.       Passage and Conclusions,
22.       Figure Series Test,
23.       Miscellaneous Test,
24.       Mirror and Water Images.


1.        Spotting Errors,
2.        Cloze Test,
3.        Synonyms and Antonyms,
4.        Comprehensions,
5.        Commonly Misspelled Words,
6.        One Word Substitution,
7.        Idioms And Phrases,
8.        Reconstruction of Passage And Sentences,
9.        Double Blank in Sentence,
10.       Fill In the Blank,
11.       Jumbled Up Sentences,
12.       Phrases Substitution,
13.       Active and passive voice,
14.       Direct and indirect speech,
15.       Transformation of sentences.

General Awareness

1.        Current Affairs especially for last 6 months +,
2.        Countries/Currencies,
3.        Indian Economy,
4.        Banking Terms,
5.        International Economy,
6.        History of Banking,
7.        Awards and Honors,
8.        Sports,
9.        Finance,
10.       Agriculture,
11.       Social Functions of Banks,
12.       UNO,
13.       Marketing,
14.       Monetary Policies,
15.       Repo and Reverse Repo Rate,
16.       Financial awareness including union and railway budget.

Quantitative Aptitude

1.        Number System,
2.        Simplifications,
3.        Root and averages,
4.        Surds and indices,
5.        Percentage,
6.        Profit and loss,
7.        Ratio and proportion,
8.        Partnership and chain rule,
9.        Time and work,
10.       Pipes and cisterns,
11.       Time and distances,
12.       Problems on trains,
13.       Boats and streams,
14.       Allegation and mixtures,
15.       Simple interest and compound interest,
16.       Stocks and shares.
17.       Clocks and calendars,
18.       Mensuration,
19.       Volume and surface area,
20.       Permutation and combinations,
21.       Height and distances,
22.       Data integration,
23.       Line graphs,
24.       Bar graphs,
25.       Pie graphs,
26.       Tabulation.

Computer Knowledge

1.        Computer hardware and software,
2.        Operating Systems,
3.        Microsoft office,
4.        Ms Word,
5.        Excel,
6.        Outlook,
7.        Powerpoint,
8.        Access,
9.        Shortcut keys,
10.       Internet and networking,
11.       Basic security concepts,
12.       Latest technologies,
13.       Understanding short terms like (jpeg, mpeg, png etc).

Central Bank Of India Exam Pattern For PO And Clerks 2017

Central Bank Of India Exam Pattern For PO And Clerks 2017: – Central Bank Of India has been already announced recruitment 2017 for the posts of probationary officers and clerks. So we are providing full and complete details of all subjects as well as exam pattern. You just scroll down the page and get the required syllabi informational details.

Central Bank Of India Exam Pattern For PO And Clerks 2017 | Exam Pattern | Syllabus.

The syllabus of Central Bank of India Exam Pattern for P.O & Clerk.

Let’s see first look at the exam pattern for Central Bank of India Exam.

CBI Preliminary Exam Pattern for Clerk and PO

S.No. Subject Name Questions Marks Duration
1. Reasoning 35 35 1 Hour
2. Quantitative Aptitude 35 35
3. English 30 30
Total 100 100

CBI Mains Exam Pattern for Clerk and PO

S.No. Subject Name No. Of Questions Marks Duration
1. Reasoning 50 50 2 Hours
2. General awareness 40 40
3. Quantitative Aptitude 50 50
4. English Or Hindi 40 40
40 40
5. Computer Knowledge 20 20
Total 200 200



1.        Analogy,
2.        Odd Man Out,
3.        Syllogism,
4.        Coding Decoding,
5.        Blood Relations,
6.        Alphabet Test,
7.        Series Test,
8.        Number System,
9.        Ranking and Time Sequence,
10.       Direction Test,
11.       Sitting Arrangement,
12.       Decision Making,
13.       Input & Output,
14.       Assertion And Reasons,
15.       Figure Series,
16.       Word Formation,
17.       Statement And Conclusions,
18.       Statement And Assumptions,
19.       Statement And Arguments,
20.       Statement And Action’s Course,
21.       Passage And Conclusions,
22.       Figure Series Test,
23.       Mirror And Water Images,
24.       Odd Figures,
25.       Miscellaneous Test,


1.        Spotting Errors,
2.        Cloze Test,
3.        Synonyms And Antonyms,
4.        Comprehensions,
5.        Commonly Misspelled Words,
6.        One Word Substitution,
7.        Idioms and Phrases,
8.        Reconstruction of Passage And Sentences,
9.        Double Blank In Sentence,
10.       Fill In The Blank,
11.       Jumbled Up Sentences,
12.       Phrases Substitution,
13.       Active and passive voice,
14.       Direct and indirect speech,
15.       Transformation of sentences.

General Awareness:

1.        Current Affairs especially for last 6 months +,
2.        Countries/Currencies,
3.        Indian Economy,
4.        Banking Terms,
5.        International Economy,
6.        History Of Banking,
7.        Awards And Honors,
8.        Sports,
9.        Finance,
10.       Agriculture,
11.       Social Functions Of Banks,
12.       UNO,
13.       Marketing,
14.       Monetary Policies,
15.       Repo And Reverse Repo Rate,
16.       Financial awareness including union and railway budget.

Quantitative Aptitude:

1.        Number System,
2.        Simplifications,
3.        Root and averages,
4.        Surds and indices,
5.        Percentage,
6.        Profit and loss,
7.        Ratio and proportion,
8.        Partnership and chain rule,
9.        Time and work,
10.       Pipes and cisterns,
11.       Time and distances,
12.       Problems on trains,
13.       Boats and streams,
14.       Allegation and mixtures,
15.       Simple interest and compound interest,
16.       Stocks and shares,
17.       Clocks and calenders,
18.       Mensuration,
19.       Volume and surface area,
20.       Permutation and combinations,
21.       Height and distances,
22.       Data integration,
23.       Line graphs,
24.       Bar graphs,
25.       Pie graphs,
26.       Tabulation,
27.       Data integration.

Computer Knowledge:

1.        Computer hardware and software,
2.        Operating Systems,
3.        Microsoft office,
4.        Ms Word,
5.        Excel,
6.        Outlook,
7.        Powerpoint,
8.        Access,
9.        Shortcut keys,
10.       Internet and networking,
11.       Basic security concepts,
12.       Latest technologies,
13.       Understanding short terms like(jpeg,mpeg,png etc).

BSNL Recruitment Exam pattern and syllabus 2017 for Junior Engineer

BSNL Recruitment Exam pattern and syllabus 2017 for Junior Engineer: – Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited ( BSNL ) has been already announced various posts to fulfill various vacancies for junior engineers. Hence so all candidates from engineering streams as well as B.Sc and others graduates with gate qualified score card can apply for this job. Those who are looking for the complete syllabus for this exam; can follow up our article. Just slide down our page and obviously get subject-wise syllabus and exam pattern in a tabular format.

BSNL Recruitment Exam pattern and syllabus 2017 for Junior Engineer | Exam Pattern | Syllabus.

The syllabus of BSNL Recruitment Exam pattern and syllabus 2017 for Junior Engineer.

Let’s see first look at the exam pattern for BSNL Junior Engineer.

S.No. Subject Questions Marks Duration
1. General Ability Test 20 20  

3 Hours


2. Basic Engineering 90 90
3. Specialization 90 90
4. Total 200 200

BSNL Subject-Wise Complete Exam Syllabus:-

General Ability

1.        General English,
2.        Verbal reasoning,
3.        Non-verbal reasoning,
4.        Arithmetic ability,
5.        Current affairs,
6.        Present events and development in telecom sector.

Basic Engineering

Applied Mathematics

1.        Cordinate geometry,
2.        Vector algebra,
3.        Matrix and Determinant,
4.        Differential Calculus,
5.        Integral Calculus,
6.        Fouries Series,
7.        Laplace Transformations,
8.        Complex Number,
9.        Partail Differential.

Applied Physics

1.        Measurement units and dimensions,
2.        Waves,
3.        Atomic Structure and energy levels,
4.        Laser And its Applications,
5.        Light,
6.        Ultrasonic,
7.        Acoustics.

Basic Electricity

1.        Electrostatics,
2.        Coulomb’s,
3.        Electric Field,
4.        Gauss’s Theorem,
5.        Concept of Potential Theorem,
6.        Concept of Capacitance and Capacitors,
7.        Ohm’s Law,
8.        Power and Energy,
9.        Kirchhoff’s Voltage,
10.       Current Laws and Their Applications in Simple DC Circuits,
11.       The venin’s Theorem,
12.       Norton’s Theorem and Their Applications,
13.       Voltage and Current Sources,
14.       Cells and Batteries,
15.       Concept of Alternating Current and Voltage,
16.       Electromagnetic Induction,
17.       Electro Magnetism,
18.       Basic Magnetism,
19.       Current Laws and Their Application in DC Circuits.

Electronic Circuits And Devices

1.        Classifications of Materials into Conductors,
2.        Semi Conductors,
3.        Insulators,
4.        Electrical Properties,
5.        Magnetic Materials,
6.        Various Types of Relays,
7.        Switches And Connectors,
8.        Conventional Representation of Electric And Electronic Circuit Elements.

Digital Techniques

1.        Applications And Advantages of Digital Systems,
2.        Number System (Binary And Hexadecimal),
3.        Logic Gates,
4.        Logic Simplification,
5.        Codes And Parity,
6.        Arithmetic Circuits,
7.        Decoders,
8.        Display Devices And Associated Circuits,
9.        Multiplexers And Demultiplexers,
10.       Latches And Flip-Flops,
11.       Counters,
12.       Shift Registers,
13.       Memories,
14.       A/D and D/A converters.


1.        Electrical,
2.        Communication,
3.        Network, Filters,
4.        Microprocessors,
5.        Computer,
6.        Control systems,
7.        Instruments And Measurements.