Category Archives: Basic General knowledge

UP Police Constable Exam Pattern And Syllabus 2017

UP Police Constable Exam Pattern And Syllabus 2017: – Uttar Police Department has announced various vacancies for constables and other posts. So all aspirants can follow our article to see exam pattern and syllabus. Just scroll down our page and prepare subject-wise in an organized way.

UP Police Constable Exam Pattern And Syllabus 2017 | Exam Pattern | Syllabus.

Full details of the subject, number of question and time duration.

The Syllabus of UP Police Constable.

Let’s see first look at the exam pattern for UP Police Constable.





General Awareness



Mental Ability








UP Police Subject-Wise Syllabus 2017

General Awareness

1.        Indian polity,
2.        Indian Administration,
3.        Indian Independence Movement,
4.        Indian Constitution and Law,
5.        Current (National and International) Events,
6.        Right to Information, Indian Society,
7.        Gender Issues, Basics of Computer Skills and Awareness,
8.        Human Rights, Internal Security and Terrorism,
9.        Secularism,
10.       Environment,
11.       General Science,
12.       Relations between India and its Neighbouring Countries.

Mental Ability

1.        Logical Diagrams,
2.        Symbol-Relationship Interpretation,
3.        Codification,
4.        Perception Test,
5.        Word formation Test,
6.        Letter and number series,
7.        Word and alphabet Analogy,
8.        Common Sense Test,
9.        Letter and number coding,
10.       Direction sense Test,
11.       Logical interpretation of data,
12.       Forcefulness of argument,
13.       Determining implied meanings.


1.        Analogies,
2.        Similarities,
3.        Differences,
4.        Space visualization,
5.        Problem solving,
6.        Analysis and Judgment,
7.        Decision-making,
8.        Visual memory,
9.        Discrimination,
10.       Observation,
11.       Relationship,
12.       Concepts,
13.       Arithmetical reasoning,
14.       Verbal and figure classification,
15.       Arithmetical number series,
16.       Abilities to deal with abstract ideas and symbols and their relationships,
17.       Arithmetical computations and other analytical functions.


1. This Part is to test the comprehension ability of the candidate. To Check the ability questions will be in form of passage & asked from Literature, Science, Art, Culture, Social Science, Philosophy, Ethics & Other Humanity Subjects. Questions form passage & Poetry of Hindi Language will be ask.

SSC – Jr Hindi Translator (JHT) Exam Pattern And Syllabus 2017

SSC – Jr Hindi Translator (JHT) Exam Pattern And Syllabus 2017: – The Staff Selection Commission has been announced various vacancies for the post of Junior Hindi Translator. So candidates can see their latest exam pattern and syllabus to make their preparation more powerful.

SSC – Jr Hindi Translator (JHT) Exam Pattern And Syllabus 2017 | Exam Pattern | Syllabus.

Full details of the subject, number of question and time duration.

The Syllabus of SSC JHT.

Let’s see first look at the exam pattern for SSC JHT.

Paper Type

Subjects No. of Questions. Marks



General Hindi And English 100 100

2 Hours


Translation And Essay —– 200

2 Hours



4 Hours

SSC – Jr Hindi Translator (JHT) Syllabus 2017


1.        Antonyms,
2.        Synonyms,
3.        Vocabulary,
4.        Fill In The Blanks,
5.        Error Detection,
6.        Translation of Sentences,
7.        Comprehension,
8.        Phrases,
9.        Grammar,
10.       Plural Forms.


1.        Grammar,
2.        Sentence Rearrangement,
3.        Comprehension,
4.        Fill In The Blanks,
5.        Idioms and Phrases,
6.        Vocabulary,
7.        Articles,
8.        Parts of Speech,
9.        Tenses,
10.       Unseen Passages,
11.       Synonyms,
12.       Verbs,
13.       Cloze Test,
14.       Error detection and Correction.

Translation And Essay Syllabus

1. This paper contains two passages for translation,
2. An Essay in Hindi and English both,
3. One passage from Hindi to English translation,
4. One passage from English to Hindi translation.

Indian Air Force Exam Pattern for lower LDC’S and Multitasking Staffs 2017

Indian Air Force Exam Pattern for lower LDC’S and Multitasking Staffs 2017: – Indian Air Force announced lots of vacancies for LDC Clerk(lower division clerk), Multitasking Staffs, Carpenter and Fireman etc. Here I am going to show the full syllabus of Indian air force group ‘c’ vacancy for those applicants who want to see the exam pattern.

Indian Air Force for lower LDC’S and Multitasking Staffs 2017 | Exam Pattern | Syllabus.

The Syllabus of Indian Air Force.

Let’s see first look at the exam pattern for Indian Air Force.

S .No.






General Intelligence And Reasoning



2 Hours


English Language




Quantitative Aptitude




General Awareness






All Subject description:-

General Intelligence & Reasoning

1.        Symbolic and Number Classification,
2.        Figural Analogy,
3.        Semantic Analogy,
4.        Symbolic Operations,
5.        Drawing Inference,
6.        Punched hole/pattern-folding and unfolding,
7.        Numbers Series,
8.        Semantic Trends,
9.        Figural Series Space Orientation, Semantic Classification,
10.       Emotional Intelligence,
11.       Crirtical Thinking,
12.       Venn Diagrams,
13.       Series,
14.       Word Building,
15.       Figural Pattern –folding and completion,
16.       Embedded Figures,
17.       Problem Solving,
18.       Social Intelligence,
19.       Coding and Decoding.

General Awareness

1.        General Polity,
2.        Sports,
3.        Geography,
4.        Indian Constitution,
5.        History,
6.        General Science,
7.        Socio-Economic and Political-situation,
8.        Current affairs National and International,
9.        Culture,
9.        Economic news.

General English

1.        Spotting Errors,
2.        Cloze Test,
3.        Synonyms And Antonyms,
4.        Comprehensions,
5.        Commonly Misspelled Words,
6.        One Word Substitution,
7.        Idioms And Phrases,
8.        Reconstruction Of Passage And Sentences,
9.        Double Blank In Sentence,
10.       Fill In The Blanks,
11.       Jumbled Up Sentences,
12.       Phrases Substitution.

Quantitative Aptitude

1.        HCF And LCM,
2.        Mensuration,
3.        Factoring,
4.        Missing Numbers,
5.        Fractions,
6.        Ratios,
7.        Age,
8.        Average,
9.        Time And Work,
10.       Time And Distance Related Problems,
11.       Volume,
12.       Series Completion,
13.       Percentage,
14.       Profit And Loss,
15.       Prices And Expenditures,
16.       Stocks and shares,
14.       Height and Distances,
15.       Geometry,
16.       Trigonometry.

SSC – CHSL(Combined Higher Secondary Level) exam syllabus and pattern

SSC – CHSL(Combined Higher Secondary Level) Exam syllabus and pattern: – Staff Selection Commission has announced their recruitment drive for CHSL for various vacancies. So desired candidate can see exam pattern and syllabus in order to do increase their selection chances. Just scroll down this article and go through the entire syllabus.

SSC – CHSL(Combined Higher Secondary Level) exam syllabus and pattern | Exam Pattern | Syllabus.

Full details of the subject, number of question and time duration.

The Syllabus of SSC CHSL.

Let’s see first look at the exam pattern for SSC CHSL.

Tier 1 Exam Pattern







General Intelligence



75 Marks


English Language




Quantitative Aptitude




General Awareness/General Knowledge






Tier 2 Exam Pattern

This exam is a descriptive type and will be conducted offline using pen and paper,
Tier 2 consists of Essay Writing, Letter Writing, Application Writing and English Comprehension,
Marks count for this exam is 100 and time duration is 1 Hour,
Exam will be conducted in either in Hindi or English language.

Tier 3 Exam Pattern

1. Typing Test:

Candidates who have chose English language will have to write 35 w.p.m. and Hindi candidate will have to perform 30 w.p.m,

2. Skill Test:

Data Entry Speed of 8000 depressions on computer per hour. Skill test will be applicable only for data entry post.

SSC CHSL Subject-Wise Syllabus

English Language

1.        Spotting Errors,
2.        Cloze Test,
3.        Synonyms And Antonyms,
4.        Comprehensions,
5.        Common Misspelled Words,
6.        One Word Substitution,
7.        Idioms And Phrases,
8.        Reconstruction Of Passage And Sentences,
9.        Double Blank In Sentence,
10.       Jumbled Up Sentences,
11.       Phrases Substitution.

Quantitative Aptitude

1.        HCF And LCM,
2.        Mensuration,
3.        Factoring,
4.        Missing Numbers,
5.        Fractions,
6.        Ratios,
7.        Age,
8.        Average,
9.        Time And Work,
10.       Time And Distance Related Problems,
11.       Volume,
12.       Series Completion,
13.       Percentage,
14.       Profit And Loss,
15.       Prices And Expenditures,
16.       Stocks and shares,
17.       Height and Distances.
15.       Geometry,
16.       Trigonometry,
17.       Use of Tables and Graphs: Histogram, Frequency Polygon, Bar-diagram, Pie-chart.

General Intelligence

1.        Symbolic and Number Classification,
2.        Figural Analogy,
3.        Semantic Analogy,
4.        Symbolic Operations,
5.        Drawing Inference,
6.        Punched hole/pattern-folding and unfolding,
7.        Numbers Series,
8.        Semantic Trends,
9.        Figural Series Space Orientation, Semantic Classification,
10.       Emotional Intelligence,
11.       Critical Thinking,
12.       Venn Diagrams,
13.       Series,
14.       Word Building,
15.       Figural Pattern –folding and completion,
16.       Embedded Figures,
17.       Problem Solving,
15.       Social Intelligence,
16.       Coding and Decoding,
17.       Other Numerical Operations.

General Awareness

1.        History,
2.        Culture,
3.        Geography,
4.        Economy,
5.        General Policy and scientific research,
6.        To keep aware national and international events etc.

SSB Constable Exam Pattern And Syllabus 2017

SSB Constable Exam Pattern And Syllabus 2017: – Sashastra Seema Bal has announced various vacancies for Constable and Head Constable posts for job seekers. So we are here to give you latest exam pattern and syllabus. Just scroll down our article to get full subject wise syllabus details.

SSB Constable Exam Pattern And Syllabus 2017 | Exam Pattern | Syllabus.

The Syllabus of SSB Constable.

Let’s see first look at the exam pattern for SSB Constable.


No. of Questions



General Knowledge



2 hours

Numerical Ability

General English and Hindi

General Reasoning

Technical Written Test

SSB Subject-Wise Syllabus 2017

General Knowledge

1.        Current Events International, National,
2.        Sports,
3.        Science and Technology,
4.        Personalities in News,
5.        History of India,
6.        Indian Polity,
7.        The Indian Economy,
8.        Indian Constitution,
9.        Geography-India etc.

Numerical Ability

1.        HCF And LCM,
2.        Mensuration,
3.        Factoring,
4.        Missing Numbers,
5.        Fractions,
6.        Ratios,
7.        Age,
8.        Average,
9.        Time And Work,
10.       Time And Distance Related Problems,
11.       Volume,
12.       Series Completion,
13.       Percentage,
14.       Profit And Loss,
15.       Prices And Expenditures,
16.       Stocks and shares,
17.       Height and Distances.

General English & Hindi

1.        Spotting Errors,
2.        Cloze Test,
3.        Synonyms And Antonyms,
4.        Comprehensions,
5.        Common Misspelled Words,
6.        One Word Substitution,
7.        Idioms And Phrases,
8.        Reconstruction Of Passage And Sentences,
9.        Double Blank In Sentence,
10.       Jumbled Up Sentences,
11.       Phrases Substitution.


1.        Analytical Reasoning,
2.        Blood Relations,
3.        Similarities and Differences,
4.        Number Series,
5.        Direction Test,
6.        Arrangements,
7.        Symbols and Notations,
8.        Analogies,
9.        Coding-decoding,
10.       Statements,
11.       Alphabet series,
12.       Non-verbal Reasoning,
13.       Data Sufficiency,
14.       Verbal Ability.

IBPS Clerk Exam Pattern And Syllabus 2017

IBPS Clerk Exam Pattern And Syllabus 2017: – Institute of Banking Personnel Selection conducts common written exam(CWE) each year for Clerks. So candidates who are looking for latest exam pattern and syllabus stand on the absolute right place. Here we are providing you complete subject-wise details of a syllabus. Just follow up it and prepare you according to the exam pattern in order to grab the selection target.

IBPS Clerk Exam Pattern And Syllabus 2017 | Exam Pattern | Syllabus.

The Syllabus of IBPS Clerk.

Let’s see first look at the exam pattern for IBPS Clerk.

Preliminary Exam Pattern



No. of Questions Marks



English 30


1 Hour


Quantitative Aptitude 35



Reasoning Ability 35





Mains Exam Pattern



No. of Questions




Quantitative Aptitude



30 Minutes


Computer Knowledge



20 Minutes


Reasoning Ability



30 Minutes


General Awareness



25 Minutes





30 Minutes




135 Minutes

IBPS Clerk Subject-Wise Exam Syllabus 2017


1.        Spotting Errors,
2.        Cloze Test,
3.        Synonyms And Antonyms,
4.        Comprehensions,
5.        Commonly Misspelled Words,
6.        One Word Substitution,
7.        Idioms And Phrases,
8.        Reconstruction of Passage and Sentences,
9.        Double Blank in Sentence,
10.       Fill In the Blanks,
11.       Jumbled Up Sentences,
12.       Phrases Substitution.

Quantitative Aptitude

1.        HCF And LCM,
2.        Mesuration,
3.        Factoring,
4.        Missing Numbers,
5.        Fractions,
6.        Ratios,
7.        Age,
8.        Average,
9.        Time And Work,
10.       Time And Distance Related Problems,
11.       Volume,
12.       Series Completion,
13.       Percentage,
14.       Profit And Loss,
15.       Prices And Expenditures,
16.       Stocks and shares,
17.       Height and Distances.


1.        Directions and Arrangements,
2.        Sitting Arrangements,
3.        Sentence Coding,
4.        Analogies,
5.        Syllogism,
6.        Data Sufficiency,
7.        Sequential Output Tracing,
8.        Visual Reasoning.

IBPS Clerk Mains Exam Subject-Wise Syllabus 2017

Reasoning Aptitude

1.        Syllogism,
2.        Seating arrangement-Circular table and line(North & South),
3.        Puzzle,
4.        Blood Relation,
5.        Inequality and or decision making,
6.        Data sufficiency,
7.        Logical reasoning,
8.        Input-Output,
9.        Number Series,
10.       Statement and arguments,
11.       Passage and conclusion,
12.       Coding and decoding,
13.       Order and ranking,
14.       Making judgments.

Computer Aptitude

1.        Basics of computer,
2.        Hardware and software,
3.        Operating System,
4.        MS Word and MS Excel,
5.        Powerpoint,
6.        Generation of computer,
7.        Internet,
8.        Short forms (jpeg, mp3, pdf),
9.        Android and Apple related news.

Data Analysis And Interpretation

1.        Tables,
2.        Pie Charts,
3.        Bar Graphs,
4.        Data Analysis,
5.        Line Graphs,
6.        Combined Data Sets,
7.        Probability/ Series.

General Awareness And Economics

1.        Banking,
2.        Economics Current Affairs,
3.        Basic Economics,
4.        Marketing.
5.        Indian Financial System,
6.        History of Indian Banking Industry,
7.        Budget Basics and Current Union Basics,
8.        International Organizations and Financial Institutions,
9.        Capital Market and Money market,
10.       Government Schemes,
11.       Abbreviations Economic Terminologies.

SBI PO Exam Pattern And Syllabus 2017

SBI PO Exam Pattern And Syllabus 2017: – The State Bank of India has announced several vacancies for the post of Probationary Officers. So applicants can see their latest exam pattern and syllabus and can start their ultimate preparation according to the subjects. Just scroll our page and follow up full details regarding syllabus.

SBI PO Exam Pattern And Syllabus 2017 | Exam Pattern | Syllabus.

The Syllabus of SBI PO 2017.

Let’s see first look at the exam pattern for SBI PO.

Preliminary Exam Pattern

S.No. Subject No. of Questions Marks Duration
1. English 30 30 1 Hour
2. Quantitative Aptitude 35 35
3. Reasoning Ability 35 35
Total 100 100

Mains Exam Pattern



No. of Questions




Reasoning and Computer Aptitude



60 Minutes


Data Analysis and Interpretation



45 Minutes


General/Economy/Banking Awareness



35 Minutes





40 Minutes




3 hours

Essay and Letter writing (Descriptive)



30 Minutes

SBI PO Subject-Wise Exam Syllabus 2017


1.        Spotting Errors,
2.        Cloze Test,
3.        Synonyms And Antonyms,
4.        Comprehensions,
5.        Commonly Misspelled Words,
6.        One Word Substitution,
7.        Idioms And Phrases,
8.        Reconstruction of Passage and Sentences,
9.        Double Blank in Sentence,
10.       Fill In the Blanks,
11.       Jumbled Up Sentences,
12.       Phrases Substitution.

Quantitative Aptitude

1.        HCF And LCM,
2.        Mesuration,
3.        Factoring,
4.        Missing Numbers,
5.        Fractions,
6.        Ratios,
7.        Age,
8.        Average,
9.        Time And Work,
10.       Time And Distance Related Problems,
11.       Volume,
12.       Series Completion,
13.       Percentage,
14.       Profit And Loss,
15.       Prices And Expenditures,
16.       Stocks and shares,
17.       Height and Distances.


1.        Directions and Arrangements,
2.        Sitting Arrangements,
3.        Sentence Coding,
4.        Analogies,
5.        Syllogism,
6.        Data Sufficiency,
7.        Sequential Output Tracing,
8.        Visual Reasoning.

SBI PO Mains Exam Subject-Wise Syllabus 2017

Reasoning Aptitude

1.        Syllogism,
2.        Seating arrangement-Circular table and line(North & South),
3.        Puzzle,
4.        Blood Relation,
5.        Inequality and or decision making,
6.        Data sufficiency,
7.        Logical reasoning,
8.        Input-Output,
9.        Number Series,
10.       Statement and arguments,
11.       Passage and conclusion,
12.       Coding and decoding,
13.       Order and ranking,
14.       Making judgments.

Computer Aptitude

1.        Basics of computer,
2.        Hardware and software,
3.        Operating System,
4.        MS Word and MS Excel,
5.        Powerpoint,
6.        Generation of computer,
7.        Internet,
8.        Short forms (jpeg, mp3, pdf),
9.        Android and Apple related news.

Data Analysis And Interpretation

1.        Tables,
2.        Pie Charts,
3.        Bar Graphs,
4.        Data Analysis,
5.        Line Graphs,
6.        Combined Data Sets,
7.        Probability/ Series.

General Awareness And Economics

1.        Banking,
2.        Economics Current Affairs,
3.        Basic Economics,
4.        Marketing.

English Language

1.        Reading Comprehension,
2.        Spotting Errors,
3.        Fill In The Blanks,
4.        Cloze-Test,
5.        Para-Jumbles.

Descriptive Examination

1.        Essay Writing,
2.        Paragraph Writing,
3.        Letter Writing,
4.        Reading Comprehension.

Telangana TET Exam Pattern 2017

Telangana TET Exam Pattern 2017: – Telangana Teacher Eligibility Test(TET) has been already announced a recruitment notification 2017 for the posts of teachers. So we are providing full and complete details of all subjects as well as exam pattern. You just scroll down the page and get the required syllabi informational details. So you need not to waste more time on this topic anywhere else.

Telangana TET Exam Pattern 2017 | Exam Pattern | Full Syllabus.

The syllabus of Telangana TET Exam Pattern 2017.

Let’s see first look at the exam pattern for Telangana TET.

TSTET  Exam  Syllabus (Paper – I)

Paper – I
S.No Topic No. Of Question No. of Marks Duration
1. Child Development and Pedagogy 30 30

150 Minutes

2. Language I 30 30
3. Language II 30 30
4. Mathematics 30 30
5. Environmental Studies 30 30
TOTAL 150 150

TS TET Syllabus 2017 (Paper -II)

Paper – II



No. of Questions

No. of Marks



Child Development & Pedagogy (compulsory)



150 Minutes


Language I (compulsory)




Language II (compulsory)




 (a) For Mathematics and Science teacher: Mathematics and Science
(b) For Social Studies/Social Science teacher: Social Science
(c) For any other teacher: either (a) or (b)






TSTET Exam Subject-Wise Syllabus (Paper – I)

Child Development & Pedagogy

1.        Development of Child,
2.        Understanding Learning,
3.        Pedagogical Concerns.

Language I (Telugu)

1.        Basics in Telugu.

Language – II (English)

1.        Parts of speech,
2.        Tenses,
3.        Types of Sentences,
4.        Prepositions,
5.        Articles,
6.        Degrees of Comparison,
7.        Direct & Indirect Speech,
8.        Questions & Question Tags,
9.        Active & Passive Voice,
10.       Use of Phrases,
11.       Comprehension,
12.       Vocabulary,
13.       Meaning of Idiomatic Expressions,
14.       Correction of Sentences,
15.       Sequencing of Sentences in the given paragraph,
16.       Error Identification within a sentence.


1.        Number System,
2.        Fractions,
3.        Arithmetic,
4.        Geometry,
5.        Measurements,
6.        Data Applications,
7.        Algebra.

Environmental Studies

1.        My Family,
2.        Work & Play,
3.        Plants & Animals,
4.        Our Food,
5.        Shelter,
6.        Air,
7.        Energy,
8.        Water,
9.        Our Body – Health – Cleanliness,
10.       Mapping,
11.       History & Culture 0f India,
12.       Our Country (India),
13.       Our State (Telangana),
14.       Indian Constitution,
15.       Security – Earth Quakes, Floods, Fire, First Aid, 108, 104 Vehicles.

TS TET Subject-Wise Syllabus 2017 (Paper -II)


1.        Natural Resources – Air, Water,
2.        Our Universe,
3.        Natural Phenomena,
4.        Mechanics,
5.        Magnetism & Electricity,
6.        Matter Around Us,
7.        Laws of Chemical Combinations & Chemical Calculations,
8.        Atomic Structure,
9.        Periodic Classification & Chemical Bonding,
10.       Metallurgy,
11.       Biology,
12.       Living World,
13.       Plant World,
14.       Animal World,
15.       Microbes,
16.       Our Environment,
17.       Recent Trends in Biology.

Social Studies

1.        Diversity on the Earth,
2.        Production – Exchange & Livelihoods,
3.        Political System & Governance,
4.        Social Organization & Inequities,
5.        Religion & Society,
6.        Culture & Communication.

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) Mains Exam Pattern and syllabus 2017

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) Main Exam Pattern and Syllabus 2017: – The Union Public Service Commission has issued 980 vacancies for civil services examinations. This department conducts exam for civil services posts like Indian Forest Services, Indian Administrative Services etc. So candidates can prefer this article to avail complete details of exam pattern and syllabus to come across the way to make their strategic time management for various topics in an organized way.

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) Mains Exam Pattern and Syllabus 2017.

The syllabus of UPSC mains 2017.

Let’s see first look at the exam pattern for UPSC Mains.

Paper – A
Language -300 Marks
Candidate can take any Modern Indian language but this paper is of qualifying nature.
Paper – B
English -300 Marks
This paper is of qualifying nature.
Paper – I
Essay – 250 Marks
Can be written in the medium or language of the candidate’s choice
General Studies-I 250 Marks
(Indian Heritage and Culture,
History and Geography of the World and Society)
General Studies -II: 250 Marks
(Governance, Constitution, Polity, Social Justice and International relations)
General Studies -III 250 Marks
(Technology, Economic Development, Bio-diversity, Environment, Security and Disaster Management)
General Studies -IV 250 Marks
(Ethics, Integrity, and Aptitude)
Marks carried by General Studies papers are 4X 250=1000
Optional Subject – Paper 1 -250 Marks
Optional Subject – Paper II -250 Marks
A candidate is allowed to take up literature as an optional subject “without the condition of having it at the graduation level.”
Sub Total (Written test) 1750 Marks
Marks of English and Language will not be counted in the total tally of marks for the written exam. So the total of the Mains exam will be 1750 Marks Only.
Interview/Personality Test – 275 marks
Candidate can give preference of the language in which they may like to be interviewed. UPSC will make arrangement for the translators.
Grand Total 2025 Marks

UPSC Mains Subject-Wise Exam Pattern and Syllabus:-

The written examination will consist of the following papers:

Paper A:

Modern Indian language 300 Marks – Qualifying nature – Marks not counted – Passing mandatory –

1.        Comprehension of given passages,
2.        Precis Writing,
3.        Usage and Vocabulary,
4.        Short Essay,
5.        Translation from English to the Indian language and vice-versa.

Note 1:- The Papers on Indian Languages and English will be of High School level and will be of qualifying nature only. The marks obtained in these papers will not be counted for final ranking.
Note 2:- The candidates will have to answer the English and Indian Languages papers in English and the respective Indian language (except where translation is involved).

Paper B:

English – 300 marks – Qualifying nature – Marks not counted- Passing mandatory-
The aim of the paper is to test the candidates’ ability to read and understand serious discursive prose and to express his ideas clearly and correctly, in English and Indian Language concerned.

The pattern of questions would be broadly as follows:-

1.        Comprehension of given passages,
2.        Precis Writing,
3.        Usage and Vocabulary,
4.        Short Essay.

Paper – I

Essay – 250 Marks –

To be written in the medium or language of the candidate’s choice. A candidate is required to write an essay on a specific topic. The choice of subjects will be given. They are expected to keep their thoughts closely to the subject and arrange their ideas in orderly fashion and be concise. Credit will be given to effective and coherent expression.


General Studies-I 250 Marks-

Indian culture will cover the salient aspects of Art Forms, Literature and Architecture from ancient to modern times.

Modern Indian history from about the middle of the eighteenth century until the present- significant events, personalities, issues

The Freedom Struggle – its various stages and important contributors /contributions from different parts of the country.

Post-independence consolidation and reorganization within the country.

History of the world will include events from 18th century such as industrial revolution, world wars, redrawing of national boundaries, colonization, decolonization, political philosophies like communism, capitalism, socialism etc.- their forms and effect on the society.

Salient features of Indian Society, Diversity of India.

The role of women and women’s organization, population and associated issues, poverty and developmental issues, urbanization, their problems and their remedies.

Effects of globalization on Indian society

Social empowerment, communalism, regionalism & secularism.

Salient features of world’s physical geography.

Distribution of key natural resources across the world (including South Asia and the Indian sub-continent); factors responsible for the location of primary, secondary, and tertiary sector industries in various parts of the world (including India)

Important Geophysical phenomena such as earthquakes, Tsunami, Volcanic activity, cyclone etc., geographical features and their location- changes in critical geographical features (including waterbodies and ice-caps) and in flora and fauna and the effects of such changes.


General Studies -II: 250 Marks (Governance, Constitution, Polity, Social Justice and International relations)-

Indian Constitution- historical underpinnings, evolution, features, amendments, significant provisions and basic structure.

Functions and responsibilities of the Union and the States, issues, and challenges pertaining to the federal structure, devolution of powers and finances up to local levels and challenges therein.

Separation of powers between various organs disputes redressal mechanisms and institutions.

Comparison of the Indian constitutional scheme with that of other countries

Parliament and State Legislatures – structure, functioning, a conduct of business, powers & privileges and issues arising out of these.

Structure, organization, and functioning of the Executive and the Judiciary Ministries and Departments of the Government; pressure groups and formal/informal associations and their role in the Polity.

Salient features of the Representation of People’s Act.

Appointment to various Constitutional posts, powers, functions, and responsibilities of various Constitutional Bodies.

Statutory, regulatory and various quasi-judicial bodies

Government policies and interventions for development in various sectors and issues arising out of their design and implementation.

Development processes and the development industry the role of NGOs, SHGs, various groups and associations, donors, charities, institutional and other stakeholders

Welfare schemes for vulnerable sections of the population by the Centre and States and the performance of these schemes; mechanisms, laws, institutions, and bodies constituted for the protection and betterment of these vulnerable sections

Issues relating to development and management of Social Sector/Services relating to Health, Education, Human Resources.

Issues relating to development and management of Social Sector/Services relating to Health, Education, Human Resources, issues relating to poverty and hunger.

Important aspects of governance, transparency, and accountability, e-governance- applications, models, successes, limitations, and potential; citizens charters, transparency & accountability and institutional and other measures.

The role of civil services in a democracy.

India and its neighborhood- relations.

Bilateral, regional and global groupings and agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s interests

Effect of policies and politics of developed and developing countries on India’s interests, Indian diaspora.

Important International institutions, agencies, and fora, their structure, mandate.


General Studies -III 250 Marks (Technology, Economic Development, Bio-diversity, Environment, Security and Disaster Management)

Development, Bio diversity, Environment, Security and Disaster Management.

Indian Economy and issues relating to planning, mobilization of resources, growth, development, and employment.

Inclusive growth and issues arising from it.

Government Budgeting.

Major crops cropping patterns in various parts of the country, different types of irrigation and irrigation systems storage, transport and marketing of agricultural produce and issues and related constraints; e-technology in the aid of farmers

Issues related to direct and indirect farm subsidies and minimum support prices; Public Distribution System objectives, functioning, limitations, revamping; issues of buffer stocks and food security; Technology missions; economics of animal-rearing.

Food processing and related industries in India- scope and significance, location, upstream and downstream requirements, supply chain management.

Land reforms in India.

Effects of liberalization on the economy, changes in industrial policy and their effects on industrial growth.

Infrastructure: Energy, Ports, Roads, Airports, Railways etc.

Investment models.

Science and Technology- developments and their applications and effects in everyday life Achievements of Indians in science & technology; indigenization of technology and developing new technology.

indigenization of technology and developing new technology.

Awareness in the fields of IT, Space, Computers, robotics, nanotechnology, biotechnology and issues relating to intellectual property rights.

Conservation, environmental pollution, and degradation, environmental impact assessment

Disaster and disaster management.

Linkages between development and spread of extremism.

The role of external state and non-state actors in creating challenges to internal security.

Challenges to internal security through communication networks, role of media and social networking sites in internal security challenges, basics of cyber security; money-laundering and its prevention

Security challenges and their management in border areas; linkages of organized crime with terrorism

Various Security forces and agencies and their mandate.


General Studies -IV 250 Marks (Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude)

This paper will include questions to test the candidates’ attitude and approach to issues relating to integrity, probity in public life and his problem-solving approach to various issues and conflicts faced by him in dealing with society. Questions may utilize the case study approach to determine these aspects. The following broad areas will be covered.

Ethics and Human Interface: Essence, determinants, and consequences of Ethics in human actions; dimensions of ethics; ethics in private and public relationships.

Human Values – lessons from the lives and teachings of great leaders, reformers and administrators; the role of family, society and educational institutions in inculcating values.

Attitude: content, structure, function; its influence and relation with thought and behavior; moral and political attitudes; social influence and persuasion.

Aptitude and foundational values for Civil Service, integrity, impartiality and non-partisanship, objectivity, dedication to public service, empathy, tolerance and compassion towards the weaker sections.

Emotional intelligence concepts, and their utilities and application in administration and governance.

Contributions of moral thinkers and philosophers from India and the world.

Public/Civil service values and Ethics in Public administration: Status and problems; ethical concerns and dilemmas in government and private institutions; laws, rules, regulations and conscience as sources of ethical guidance; accountability and ethical governance; strengthening of ethical and moral values in governance; ethical issues in international relations and funding; corporate governance.

Probity in Governance: Concept of public service; Philosophical basis of governance and probity; Information sharing and transparency in government, Right to Information, Codes of Ethics, Codes of Conduct, Citizen’s

Charters, Work culture, Quality of service delivery, Utilization of public funds, challenges of corruption.

Case Studies on above issues.


Optional Subject – Paper I -250 Marks


Optional Subject – Paper II -250 Marks

Candidates may choose any ONE optional subject from amongst the list of subjects given below.

Interview/Personality Test – 275 Marks

Candidate can give preference of the language in which they may like to be interviewed. UPSC will make arrangement for the translators.

Note : –
Marks obtained by the candidates for all papers EXCEPT PAPER A & B will be counted for merit ranking. However, the Commission will have the discretion to fix qualifying marks in any or all papers of the examination. Aspirants can log on to UPSC’s official website ( to see the detailed notification.