Category Archives: AngularJs blog
AngularJs show hide on click
AngularJs show hide on click : It is very simple to call show hide on button click event in AngularJs. You can use ng-hide, ng-show to show hide the element. Here we are going to create a function and call this function on button click to hide show functionality in angularJs. Here we are going to explain the show hide functionality with example.
AngularJs show hide Div on click
Here is simple example of show hide on button click in AngularJs –
AngularJs show hide on click example
Angularjs get element by id
Angularjs get element by id : You can use the angular.element(‘#element_id’); to get the element by id where #element_id is id of element. Here we are going to explain this with example.
Angularjs get element by id example
Here is an alternative of javascript document.getElementById in angularjs –
Angularjs get element by id
var currentElement = angular.element('#element_id'); |
Angularjs get current date time
Angularjs get current date time: You can get current date time in angularjs on Html template and javascript both. Here we have explained both the Html template date time and javascript date time with syntax and example.
Angularjs get current date time
You can get current date time in angularjs as :
Get current date time on Html template in AngularJs :
You can get current date time on html template as below :
Angularjs get current date time Syntax
{{ date_expression | date : format : timezone}} |
Current date time on html Example
Current Date : {{CurrentDate | date:'dd/MM/yyyy'}} 24 Hrs Current Date Time : {{CurrentDate | date:'HH:mm:ss'}} 12 Hrs Current Date Time : {{CurrentDate | date:'hh:mm:ss a'}} |
Which will give current date time
Get Current Date time in Angular Controller Js
You can get current date time in angularjs as :
Angularjs get current date time on js Syntax
Use angularjs variable inside html tag
Use angularjs variable inside html tag : You can use the angularjs variable inside the html tags. Here is simple example in which we have used angularjs variable to assign the dynamic id of the div element. Below is detailed example.
Assign angularjs variable inside html tag
You can use the angularjs variable inside the html tag as below –
Angularjs variable inside html tag
Here you can also add your own condition on the basis of counter.
Angularjs counter in ng-repeat
Angularjs counter in ng-repeat : You can get index of loop ie. counter of the loop in
AngularJs or ionic framework simply using the $index variable. Here we are going to explain the method how to get loop count in AngularJs or Ionic Framework.
Angularjs counter in ng-repeat
You can get the loop index in angularjs or in ionic framework as below –
Angularjs counter in ng-repeat
Here you can also add your own condition on the basis of counter.
AngularJs ng-change event
AngularJs ng-change event example : AngularJs ng-change event binds change event with elements in html.
Here is the AngularJs ng-change event example
The below example shows the ng-change event directive.

AngularJs ng-change event example
AngularJs ng-keypress event example
AngularJs ng-keypress event example : AngularJs ng-keypress event binds keypress event with elements in html.
Syntax : AngularJs ng-keypress event
The below example shows the ng-keypress event directive.

AngularJs ng-keypress event example
AngularJs ng-keydown event example
AngularJs ng-keydown event example : AngularJs ng-keydown event binds keydown event with elements in html.
Syntax for AngularJs ng-keydown event example
The below example shows the ng-keydown event directive.

AngularJs ng-keydown event example