Category Archives: AngularJs blog
Angularjs ng-disabled example
Angularjs ng-disabled example : AngularJs ng-disabled directive adds the disabled attribute in html.
Angularjs ng-disabled Example
Angularjs orderby filter example
Angularjs orderby filter example : Orderby clause is used to order the data as below:
Angularjs orderby filter Example & Syntax
OrderBy Desc Example
OrderBy Asc Example
Angularjs currency filter example
Angularjs currency filter example : It converts the number in currency format
Syntax : Angularjs currency filter Example
Angularjs lowercase example
Angularjs lowercase example : It converts the string in lowercase
Angularjs lowercase Example & Syntax
In Html Template
{{ expression | lowercase}}
In JavaScript
Angularjs uppercase example
Angularjs uppercase example : It converts the string in uppercase
Syntax : Angularjs uppercase
In Html Template
{{ expression | uppercase}}
In JavaScript
AngularJs Filter Example
AngularJs Filter Example : It Selects subset of array and returns as a new array
AngularJs Filter Example with Syntax
In Html Template
{{ filter_expression | filter : expression : comparator}}
In Javascript
$filter('filter')(array, expression, comparator)
array : Input array as source
expression : Can be string, Object or function used for selecting items from array.
comparator : Used to determine the actual and Expected Value.
Let us understand with very basic example and demo.
Note: Please Make you take proper ng-model name not any invalid name like : search-str Or search_str. Avoid dash, underscore and space in ng-model name.
The above example will look like this :
When we search the “Maya” keyword it show the result as below: