BPCL Kochi General Workman Recruitment 2017

BPCL Kochi General Workman Recruitment 2017: – The Bharat petroleum corporation limited Authority is going to conduct exam for General Workman posts. Candidates who have been clear their selection process will be eligible to Join in BPCL as a General workman. Just scroll down the page to check the syllabus.

BPCL Kochi General Workman Recruitment 2017 | Exam Pattern And Syllabus.

Full details of the subject, number of question and time duration.

The Syllabus of BPCL Kochi.

Let’s see first look at the exam pattern for BPCL workman.


Test Type



Written Test

General Knowledge


Quantitave Aptitude


General English



BPCL Kochi Subject-Wise Syllabus 2017

General Knowledge

1.        New Inventions,
2.        Countries and Capitals,
3.        History of India,
4.        Indian Culture,
5.        Economic issues in India,
6.        National News,
7.        International issues,
8.        Scientific observations,
9.        Science and innovations,
10.       Political Science,
11.       About India and it’s neighboring countries,
12.       National and international current affairs,
13.       Important dates,
14.       Music & Literature,
15.       World organizations,
16.       Famous Places in India,
17.       Books And Author,
18.       National Dance,
19.       Tourism spots of Historical Importance,
20.       Sculptures,
21.       Famous Places,
22.       Musical Instruments,
23.       Handicrafts,
24.       Tribes,
25.       Artists.

General English

1.        Sentence Structure,
2.        Spellings,
3.        Vocabulary,
4.        Fill in the blanks,
5.        Grammar,
6.        Spot the error,
7.        Antonyms,
8.        Synonyms/ Homonyms,
9.        Detecting Mis-spelt words,
10.       One word substitutions,
11.       Idioms and phrases,
12.       Verbal Comprehension passage,
13.       Verbs,
14.       Adjectives,
15.       Clauses,
16.       Improvement,
17.       Passage.

Quantitave Aptitude

1.        Primary Mathematics,
2.        Numbers,
3.        Fundamental arithmetical operations,
4.        Number Systems,
5.        Analytical Geometry,
6.        Calculus,
7.        Statics,
8.        Real Analysis,
9.        Computation of Whole Numbers,
10.       Averages,
11.       Decimals,
12.       Interest,
13.       Percentages Menstruation,
14.       Time and Distance,
15.       Ratio and Time,
16.       Ratio and Proportion,
17.       Profit and Loss,
18.       Discount,
19.       Fundamental arithmetical operations,
20.       Use of tables and Graphs,
21.       Fractions,
22.       The relationship between Numbers.


1.        Inserting The Missing Character,
2.        Deriving Conclusions from Passages,
3.        Mathematical Operations,
4.        Coding-Decoding,
5.        Statement – Conclusions,
6.        Arithmetical Reasoning,
7.        Logical Venn Diagrams,
8.        Clocks & Calendars,
9.        Logic,
10.       Statement – Arguments,
11.       Series Completion,
12.       Direction Sense Test,
13.       Alpha Numeric Sequence Puzzle,
14.       Theme Detection,
15.       Number, ranking & Time Sequence Puzzle,
16.       Eligibility test,
17.       Alphabet Test,
18.       Logical Sequence of Words,
19.       Analogy,
20.       Situation Reaction Test,
21.       Data Sufficiency.


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