Angular Material Subheader
Angular Material Subheader: It is very simple and easy to create a stickey header in Angular Material. md-subheader directive is used to create subheaer. Here in this tutorial we are going to explain how you can create Subheader in Angular Material. You can also use our online editor to edit and run the code online.
Angular Material Subheader Example
Let us create a simple example for Angular Material Subheader. You can subheader in any section simply as below –
By default the subheader will be sticky, if you want to disable the sticky header you can add the class class=”md-no-sticky” to the directive md-subheader.
If you run the above example it will produce the output something like this –

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Let us have some example and demo about the Angular Material Subheader.
Angular Material Disable Stickiness of Subheader
Sometimes we need to disable stickiness of the subheader, to disable the stikiness of subheader just add the following the class=”md-no-sticky” to the subheader directive.
Here is an example to disable the stikiness of the subheader –
Angular Material Subheader Example:
<md-subheader class="md-no-sticky">Stikiness Disabled Subheader</md-subheader> |
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