
Angular Material Progress Bar

Angular Material Progress Bar: There are basically two types of progress bar available in Angular Material – Circular and Linear. The directive <md-progress-circular> is used to create circular progress bar and directive <md-progress-linear< is used to create linear progress bar. Here in this tutorial we are going to explain how you can use progress bars in Angular Material. You can also use our online editor to edit and run the code online.

Angular Material Progress Bar – Circular | Linear Progress Bar Example

Progress bar is basically used as indicator which represents that some background activity is going for example when content is loading and user is asked to wait a moment till it finishes. There are following types of progress bars let us go step by step –

Circular Progress bar

<md-progress-circular> directive is used to represent the content loading in your app. A circular loader is shown when some activity such as content loading is going on background. Let us first create a very basic example to understand how it works in real time.

Angular Material Circular Progress bar Example:

<md-progress-circular md-mode="indeterminate"></md-progress-circular>
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In the above example we have created simple circular progress bar which is in indeterminate state.

If you run the above example the output will look something like this –

Options For Circular Progress Bar

Following options are available for circular progress bar-

Linear Progress Bar

Linear Progress bar is also used to represent the loading state of content. The <md-progress-linear< directive is used to create the linear progress bar. Let us create a very basic example of linear progress bar-

Angular Material Linear Progress bar Example:

<md-progress-linear md-mode="indeterminate"></md-progress-linear>
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The above example is simple linear progress bar which has indeterminate mode.

The output of the above example will look something like this –

Options for Linear Progress Bar

Learn More

Let us have some example and demo about the Angular Material Progress Bar.

We will be adding more example soon..

Learn Angular Material