Magento 2 Directory Structure
Magento 2 Directory Structure : Magento 2 folder structure is changed significantly. Here in this tutorial we are going to explain the magento 2 folder structure.
Magento 2 Directory Structure
Let us go step by step to understand the new directory struture.
Magento 2 Directory Structure : Root
The root folder contains the following folders and files-
Magento 2 app folder –
App folder in magento 2 looks like this –
code folder contains modules and design contains the themes.
In magento 2.0 the app/etc/local.xml is replaced by app/etc/env.php. This contains the database settings & Admin names etc. The folder modules is also removed from magento2.
\app\etc now looks like this –
Magento 2 : Database Settings & Admin Name Settings
<?php return array ( 'backend' => array ( 'frontName' => 'admin', ), 'install' => array ( 'date' => 'Fri, 11 Mar 2016 05:10:24 +0000', ), 'crypt' => array ( 'key' => '68be9e846774564a7ef08545dab04ceb', ), 'session' => array ( 'save' => 'files', ), 'db' => array ( 'table_prefix' => '', 'connection' => array ( 'default' => array ( 'host' => 'localhost', 'dbname' => 'magento2', 'username' => 'root', 'password' => '', 'active' => '1', ), ), ), 'resource' => array ( 'default_setup' => array ( 'connection' => 'default', ), ), 'x-frame-options' => 'SAMEORIGIN', 'MAGE_MODE' => 'default', 'cache_types' => array ( 'config' => 1, 'layout' => 1, 'block_html' => 1, 'collections' => 1, 'reflection' => 1, 'db_ddl' => 1, 'eav' => 1, 'config_integration' => 1, 'config_integration_api' => 1, 'full_page' => 1, 'translate' => 1, 'config_webservice' => 1, ), ); ?> |
You can add the configurations as per your requirement.