Magento get coupon codes used by customer
Magento get coupon codes used by customer : You Can Get Coupon code used by particular user by following query.
Syntax : Magento get coupon codes used by customer
$collection = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->getCollection(); $collection->getSelect()->join(array('coupon'=> salesrule_coupon), 'coupon.code = main_table.coupon_code', array('coupon.type')) ->join( array('coupon_usage'=> salesrule_coupon_usage), '(coupon_usage.coupon_id = coupon.coupon_id AND coupon_usage.customer_id = "'.$customerId.'") ', array('*')); //pass customer Id to load coupon used by the customer - $customerId
$customerId – is customer id, load coupon codes used by this customer